If this were my last day, my only day – there is only love. All there ever was and will be is love. Brilliance comes from the inner knowing of this. And by love, I mean the connection of us humans in body, mind, and heart – souls together in harmony with gratitude for what is.
When love is present everything radiates and beauty abounds. We are not captured and hostage to our personality structure, to our opinions or our judging mind, and we know that the fabric of the universe is seamless until we cut into it, creating cause and effect, conflict and damage.
When love is present, no one person is more or less than any other sentient being. We understand the oneness of all. Possibility abounds in love which, yes, starts with a separate self that can pursue wholeness and therein union with others and the universe. Nothing destroys the essence of love. To me love is the divine, the everlasting.
If this were my last day but unknown to me as such, I would start and end this day as if it were THE day of days. In living this simple stance, I do my best to embody presence and receptivity with an open heart no matter what activity or endeavor in which I engage. By this I mean, simply breathing back down and centering plus reminding my self to open my heart in kindness. For when I am in receptive presence combined with non-judgment all matter of positive possibilities unfold.
Then when the reactivity and defensiveness of judgment comes up as it does for all of us, I do my best to befriend it with non-judgment and return to purpose and receptivity. And I remind myself to live love and support the well-being of myself and all others with whom I contact.
I urge us all to embody this stance of living each day fully so that if it is our last day, there are no or few regrets. To make this true, I stop several times a day for perhaps simply a minute or so each time to reflect on presence and purpose and how to live this day fully.
To do this simple, yet not easy task of living love each day requires that we all realize the embedded habitual pattern that we formed as little children to adapt to the world as we experienced it then. Yet then is not now. We all need to become aware of our early pattern so that we can understand the pattern and liberate ourselves from its constraints.
All the great traditions recognize that we humans are subject to automatic behavior for better and worse. The task is to observe the pattern to liberate ourselves from its constraints and reclaim our highest qualities of hope, faith, and above all love.
We need to make each day our path to wholeness of mind, heart, and spirit. So my mantra is, “May I live this day in love’s kindness and its companion of non-judgmental receptivity and presence in each moment.”
This article was very inspiring and of course as usual came at the perfect time for me!
I’m a Licensed clinical psychotherapist in private practice and have had an interest in learning more about using the Ennegram both personally and professionally! I would love to learn more about its application and would be interested in attending any trainings if available. I will definitely visit your website you listed to learn more.
With gratitude
Kerrie Aiello, LCSW
Strikes me as containing the usual platitudes, blather and self-promotion. And always with the weasel word “love” to make everything sound yummy and caring.
Surely someone so eminent knows, as every common or garden psychologist does, that “love” simply doesn’t exist.
What exists is sexuality, lust, caring, self-projection, shared finances, fear of solitude, wanting to belong, comradeship, fatigue with endless one-night stands, desire to reproduce, etc. But there is no “love.”
But I have to hand it to him. At $19 a pot he’ll lure countless more into swelling his coffers.