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Don’t be afraid to ask others for help. If you tell your story to enough of the right people, help will be on the way.

Is money stopping you from fulfilling your destiny? I want you to look to your F.A.M.I.L.Y. and see how close you are to seeing your dreams come true. Your F.A.M.I.L.Y. network consists of people that are your Friends, Associates, Ministry, Inspiration, from Learning and You. It’s time that you ask your F.A.M.I.L.Y. for help so you can live more abundantly.

Friends are people that you communicate with on a regular basis. Whodini had a hit song back in the 80’s and they sang, “Friends, How many of us have them?” If you don’t have any friends guess what, get to know some people. Do you support those around you in what they do? This is very important when it is time for you to ask for help. Start right here and now and make a list of your closest friends. Be sincere and let them know upfront what you are trying to do.

Associates are the people that you communicate with at work and at networking events. People watch you everywhere you go. The way you act and treat others is important. You never know who you might need to ask for help or who might ask you for help? The relationships that you build are essential to the lifeline of your business.

Ministry allows you to communicate with others through your church and spiritual programming. I recently joined the church that my wife belongs to. I’m getting to know the members as they are getting to know me. I have volunteered to help out with Vacation Bible School and I have spoken to the youth at the annual fishing trip. Once we have established a better relationship there will be more opportunities to come.

Inspirational people are the ones that inspire you. You can also be an inspirational figure to others. When I first started speaking I met James Amps. James Amps is an international speaker who took the time out of his schedule to show me how to write my first bio and he even encouraged me to write my first book. As James enlightened me, I take a daily walk to empower others to use their skills to pay their bills.

Learning. This is all about the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that you can obtain to help you finance your dream. Learn all you can about the industry that you plan to partake in. Everyone has a different way they learn. Some learn better from reading while others by hearing. The only way to truly know if what you are studying works is to put it into practice.

You. This is all about what you can do to help you out. What is your dream and better yet what is your destiny? What is on the inside that you would like to bring to us on the outside? These questions lead to answers that can educate others on what you are attempting to accomplish. The answer most importantly will lead to action. Take action and don’t be afraid to say “Show Me the Money.”

Are you ready to follow your heart and are you prepared to ask your F.A.M.I.L.Y. to help you Finance Your Dream?

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Derrick Hayes, an alumnus of Tennessee State University, is available for small and large meetings, church events, academic speaking engagements and workshops.

Hayes has the unique talent of turning names and words into positive messages within seconds right before your eyes. Hayes calls these Derricknyms. His critically acclaimed first book by the same name (first print 2000) has been utilized in corporate, religious and scholastic settings. Personalized Derricknyms can be ordered by going to One of the most frequently used Derricknyms is W.O.E.

I always tell people to make sure they give others a W.O.E. daily. Hayes says, “In the general context, a woe is a problem.” In the Derricknym fashion, it is a Word of Encouragement.

To book Derrick for a speaking engagement or media event, please send an email to [email protected] or call 706-615-1662.

For more information, please visit

Comments (1)

  1. Derrick – like your use of FAMILY for an acronym. Good approach to what we often hear but don’t always remember to apply.

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