If today were my last day on Earth, it would be my desire to leave the world with three very profound thoughts on how to find happiness, peace and fulfillment.
Be you
So often we try to mimic others. We have role models and mentors and we try to re-do what others have done. We also allow the opinions of others to shape us, mold us, or even push us down from what we could be.
Each one of us as many gifts and with those gifts come a great responsibility-we must share them with the world! No one in this world can give the world what we have to give. If all of the musicians, actors, dancers, inventors, writers and artists of the world did not express their gifts, we would not have music, theater, literature, art or any other material progress in the world.
Ask yourself: “What is my gift?” then find a way to give it by asking: “How can I use this gift to serve the world?” Anyone who seeks to find their passion in life will surely find it in this way.
Be present
Observe the manner of a child-totally immersed in the present moment. A child has no worry for the future, nor any thought of the past. He loves unconditionally and is fully immersed in whatever he is doing or whoever he is with-one moment at a time.
We lose that purity and simplicity as we age, but we can cultivate it back. It is about awareness. Our perception of life and our relationships with others change when we are present. Just as we know when others are present with us, so do others know when we are present with them.
We miss so much of life when we are operating on Auto-Pilot, blind and deaf to our own thoughts. Becoming conscious of our thoughts is the first step. Choosing our thoughts comes next.
Pre-Pave Your Day
Life is about choice, but reality is, people spend more time choosing what they are going to wear in the morning than they do choosing how they will connect with people, how they will feel or what they will accomplish. Pre-paving is choosing how you want to look, live and feel every part of your day and every part of your life.
Begin the day with this powerful pre-pave: “Something wonderful is going to happen today” then watch miracles unfold around you. Maintain your awareness throughout the day by pre-paving whatever you want your reality to be. Here are some practical examples of daily pre-paves: “I deeply connect with people today. I am valued for what I do. I am abundant. My needs are met, now and always. I react to all with calmness today. I respect others and they respect me.”
You are a powerful creator. Take your proper place in this world, which is the driver’s seat of your own life. Decide what you want, then pre-pave it. Pre-pave your day and your life for success.
Elisabeth – three easy-to-recall steps: be you, be present, pre-pave your day. Like them. Thanks.
Thank you for sharing your valuable experience and wisdom. Looking forward to connecting with you Elisabeth Fayt.
Hi Elizabeth
I attended a weekend retreat in Kananaskis a few years ago where you were one of the speakers and we also sat at the same table. Since the retreat I have recalled many times how you said you got coffee for your boss every morning because you wanted to “give to him what he needed” not because of “secretarial duty”. It has been such an import statement to me!!!!!!
Up to this point I only prepave sporadically ☹️ Today I am signing up for your daily inspiration so I can learn to prepave each day, so it can become a natural part of my daily life.
I hope you and your family are safe and well, Elizabeth, and that prepaving has enabled you to successfully navigate the new challenges in your family life and business that have arisen around the coronovirus.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge of prepaving!!!!!!!