Is having the rug pulled out from under you such a terrible thing? Do you have to hit your own personal rock bottom before you start to understand what is important in life?
Nobody is immune to receiving the hard knocks in life. Turbulent times are not given to us as punishments. They’re signs presented to us to perhaps change the course of our life. I want to share with you the lessons I’ve learned while navigating through the rough waters of my life.
Finger pointing is a waste of energy. It’s easy to blame others for our lot in life because looking inward requires energy, honesty and taking ownership for our choices. When I set out to make changes in my life, I focused solely on me and let others fend for themselves.
WOW! What a difference. When I started taking responsibility for my choices and stopped finger pointing, the rough waters turned calm and still. The journey became much smoother.
Words are very powerful so choose them wisely. The most important conversations that we have daily are the ones that we have with ourselves. By choosing words that are positive and encouraging as opposed to negative and destructive we walk with more confidence and pride.
Life seems much easier when we are the cheerleader in our minds instead of the school-yard bully who insists on keeping us down and out. When our thoughts are working with us instead of against us… the possibilities are endless.
Leave the past exactly where it was meant to stay. We are not that powerful to go back in time to change the past. Then why do we focus so much effort on something that is impossible to change? We are in control of what can happen NOW.
If we want to make room for new things to enter into our today’s, then we must make room by saying goodbye to our yesterdays. The past takes up valuable real estate in our lives and prevents so many of us from building a priceless future.
Be thankful and grateful for it all. We often think that we get the short end of the stick in life, but look around. If you are reading this right now, be thankful you can see. If something you have read resonates with you, be grateful that your mind is open and willing to learn. If you are keeping a roof over your head, groceries in your home, friends and family who love and support you, think about those who have none of that.
There is so much to be grateful for if we only take the time to look. Slow down and take advantage of the precious gift of time.
Love is the answer. It starts with loving yourself and only overflows to others. It gives you the ability to grow, share and experience the beauty that life has to offer each and every one of us. Be open and receptive to receive this gift whenever it comes your way.
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