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Have you considered that following your heart is a gift to the rest of us?

If you’ve been of the mindset that taking care of yourself first, and listening to your own true desires is selfish and unrealistic, here’s some good news for you.

Though it’s not always the easiest thing to do, listening to what it is you want and following your own internal guidance system will help you to create a happy and fulfilled life. You will also never be bored if you are interesting to you.

The way to be interesting to you is to find out what fascinates you, intrigues you, and makes you happy. Then go learn about that thing, do it and become it, embellish yourself. Dive in, don’t hesitate. Halfway and half-hearted is just that. You want to go in at full heart.

Once you do this, your energy shifts. When you’ve decided to have your life the way you really want it, you radiate at a different vibration than if you were dissatisfied with yourself. Validated people are more fun to be around than invalidated people. Happy people are easier to deal with than angry people. You already know this.

This is not to say that everything is going to be perfectly hunky dory in your life if you follow your true calling. Life happens and there’s stuff to deal with. But at least you won’t be sitting in the energy of wishing you had a different life, or wondering whose life you are actually living. If you are living your own true life, you will find your way through it more effortlessly than if you’re trying to be someone else.

You become a gift to others who are trying to do this too, because you now represent what is possible. So, instead of being selfish for doing what you please, you are now bringing gifts to everyone!

The best part of this is that you get to decide how and who you want to be.

Sometimes, while doing this, you may feel invalidated. Especially if you go through a time when nobody seems to get you, or you are growing and suddenly don’t quite agree with the prevailing rules of the group you’ve been in. Or you have always been different, and try as you might, couldn’t seem to fit in. If everything out there seems to be telling you you’re wrong for being you, it’s hard to see that actually being you is a good fit. So you may try to be like the others, in order to fit in.

Meanwhile, you find ways to not listen to that longing voice inside of you, that is trying to tell you what your own truth is.

Nobody else has ever been just like you. The exact combination of energy that is you, is one of a kind. Because of this, you don’t really have any competition, and you don’t ever have to be anything but you. Your spirit is unique in all of time, and nobody else can ever replace you.

Hint: Who you think you are may be vastly different from who you actually are. You may be selling yourself short. Once you get to know who you are, and love what you know, you will never be bored a day in your life. You will become a gift for others, just by living in your truth.

What gifts are you giving?

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Kris Cahill is a psychic reader, healer, teacher, speaker, writer, and artist, based in Los Angeles. An artist all her life, Kris began her journey into the spiritual realm 11 years ago, after taking a meditation class that changed her life and rocked her to the core. The key healing tool she learned in that class was grounding, a tool she has taught to thousands of students and clients since becoming a professional clairvoyant reader and teacher in 2000.

Kris teaches meditation, energy healing, and grounding classes in the Los Angeles area, and will soon be doing so online. Visit her website at for more information about her readings and classes. You can also find Kris’s writings about spirit, psychic abilities, and meditation online at, where she is the National Meditation and Clairvoyant Examiner, and at, Kris’s own blog. Kris is currently at work on her first book.

For more information, please visit

Comments (3)

  1. I especially like this closing statement: Hint: Who you think you are may be vastly different from who you actually are. You may be selling yourself short. Once you get to know who you are, and love what you know, you will never be bored a day in your life. You will become a gift for others, just by living in your truth.

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