How you are greeting this fine day?
Are you bringing to it high energy… fresh from pleasurable dreams and a good night’s sleep? Or are you slumping tiredly from your bed…and slowly creeping your way into the physical world?
Either way is fine, because here’s what I know to be true: You will figure this day out… just like you’ve figured out all the days of your life so far. And, with a little guidance, you may even find perfection in whatever comes your way today.
How do I know this?
Because I have lived so many days… woken up on so many sides of beds… and figured out so many things… even on the worst of days.
And the good news is this: I have survived them all… and on many days, even thrived! And you are no different from me.
There are days when life is scary or uncertain. On these days we hold on – for dear life – and wait for the clarity to come. And later, when the scariness seems less, we search for the perfection in this day.
We ask:
What is life teaching me today? Am I learning something that will help me grow stronger – get out of my rut – open my thinking?
And when we get clear on the answer, the ‘perfection’ of this day… We’ll know for sure that we have solved the puzzle. We’ll know that all the answers we need each day are with us all the time… right inside of us.
After all, we have a lifetime of experiences to draw on… A lifetime of decision-making… good and bad.
Surely we have learned so much.
And all that we learned is right inside of us, in that place we talk of as our ‘gut’ but may be thought of more gracefully as that ‘place of inner knowing’
So go ahead: Tap right into it.
And when the day throws up a curveball.. .ask that secret place a question. See what it has to offer. And learn to trust what it’s telling you…and to pay attention and take action on its message, because figuring things out is a process that will go on forever – and you will get better and better at it!
So whatever today may bring – questions, quandaries, or uncertainties – I invite you to tap into your inner knowing.
Ask it for guidance… answers… a hint that will help you to figure out life this day.
And please accept my wish for you:
- That you greet today in whatever shape you’re in
- That you tiptoe in slowly, inch by inch… or dive in quickly with a big splash.
- That you put one foot in front of the other…and simply move forward.
Because, you may not know where you’re going… but it’s ok.
You may not see a clear path… but it’s ok.
You may not get the results that you seek… but it’s ok because one day a wonderful message will come your way, and someone in the wide, wide world will find you.
And you will know…
- That you have not been working in vain.
- That what you seek is right around the corner…and well within your reach.
- And that there are many, many people…living and not…available to help you.
All you need to do is ‘call them in’. Ask their advice. Seek their support. And know that you are not going through life alone.
My friend, take this day to move forward with joy. Take this day to tap into your wisdom. Take this day to hug, and smile, and laugh, and cry.
It is your very special day.
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