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Destination Awesome

Amiee is a true rags to riches story. Her mom left when she was two-years-old and her dad wasn’t around much so she pretty much raised herself. She was the first in her family to go to college and graduate debt-free. Then she opened her own business and built a team of more than 100 people. Amiee’s book Destination Awesome is a collection of wild stories of experiences she had growing up, the lessons she learned from those experiences and how those lessons helped her become a successful, happy adult. She also interviewed others who’ve overcome their own unique challenges. Destination Awesome is a road map that can help you achieve your awesome life regardless of your past or current circumstances. This book reminds us that no matter what we are dealing with or where we come from, we can create the life we want. Get Destination Awesome!
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You Are The Journey

What if we have had it all wrong? What if you are not on a journey and have never been? What if there is no end destination? What if one tiny shift in perception and attitude could lead to full radiance, illumination and brilliance? Here it is... You are not on a journey... YOU ARE THE JOURNEY. Have you bought into an idea that you are here to reach something, set goals, live out an agenda and attain status? Do you create intentions and repeat affirmations? Are you running forward, trying to escape the things that are behind you, aspiring…

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Unwavering Strength

Discover the inner strength and courage to overcome grief, loss, phobias and trauma. Unwavering Strength: Stories to Inspire You through Challenging Times is the first in a series of highly inspiring books by Judy O’Beirn and friends. It is a moving collection of inspirational stories from 32 gifted authors, including Daniel Parmeggiani, Jeanne Henning, and Dr. Terry A. Gordon. New York Times bestseller author Peggy McColl's moving foreword beautifully establishes the tone for the stories that follow. Unwavering Strength shares real-life experiences that will help you find strength and comfort in the journeys others have taken through grief, loss, trauma and heartache. As you read this book, you’ll realize we are defined by our ability to rise up from our lowest points and reach into our hidden potential for incredible growth, love and compassion. A percentage of the proceeds from Unwavering Strength book sales are being donated to cancer recovery programs.

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Making Your Dream A Success

Every person has something special on the inside of them that is just waiting to be shared with the world. That special internal something is wrapped up in our individually unique, gifts, talent and abilities but is locked away within us. What makes our distinguishing attributes so awesome is that no other person in the world can demonstrate those qualities quite like we can. Just think for a moment, that no two human beings have the same finger prints, not even identical twins. So this means that there is something in us that adds and makes a significant contribution to…

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10 Essentials for a Wildly Successful Life

Whether you are planning a trip or packing the kids for camp, there are certain items that need to be considered. Here is a twist on the traditional backpacking pack-list. 10 Essentials for a Wildly Successful Life Navigation: map, compass, possibly a GPS (goal progress system) Hydration: drink, drink drink more water and establish a practice to allow flow into and out of your life emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Nutrition: empower your body, mind, and soul regularly Protection: set boundaries where necessary. Have a place/process for retreating and regrouping. Go there as often as necessary, at least once a week…

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Don’t Get Lost on the Path to Your Dreams

"Know that you can make a difference in the world by being true to yourself, and moving in the direction of your dreams!" As I spoke this sentence to a client of mine, I made the profound realization that I was speaking as much to myself as I was to her. I realized that my life long goal of making a difference in the world centers around my ability to be true to who I am and allow myself to move toward my dreams utilizing everything that makes me who I am today. You see, I am no different than…

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Setting Goals Before You Start Your Journey

We have to know where we are going if we want to get there. What does this mean? We have to set goals. Imagine you are given a box of LEGOs and asked to build a castle. There is only one problem. There is no blueprint or picture of how the castle is supposed to look. So where do you start? What pieces should be placed together? Of course, you can start building; however, without a blueprint or picture, you can never be sure if you are heading in the right direction. Life works in this same way. We have…

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Your Amazing, Brilliant Self

Never see yourself as less than others. Never think that they must know more than you do. That they have a better brain, and that they are way cooler. Don’t spend your life thinking people are automatically wiser and smarter than you. They are not. You are actually quite the person. Brilliant. Inquisitive. And with a darn big heart. Start seeing yourself for the first time as you really are. A true warrior. A spectacular soul that has a very special journey ahead. If you do, that is when it will all start to unfold. Dreams will leap from your…

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YOU are the Embodiment of Love!

Life is rich, filled with beautiful moments as well as difficult times. Life is a journey through the middle ground of the highs and lows, where you learn to find your sacred place of contentment. In this space of breath and awareness, you face life with a knowingness that whatever happens, this always remains true: you are strong, you are wise, you are loved and you are a beautiful person needed in this world. You have a higher purpose in life. You may bring certain qualities to everything you do, such as love, hope, faith, tranquility, abundance, truth, clarity, devotion,…

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Stand Strong and Become The True You

View your life experiences as a stepping stone to becoming a better you. Use your gifts to help another person and be the voice for the voiceless. Walk in faith, humility, reverence and obedience to a higher power and the ‘otherness’ that fuels your spiritual awakenings and guide your steps through troubles, setbacks and struggle. Be willing to forgive and ask forgiveness for yourself when you’ve been assaulted by lies and slandered with untruths. Be strong in your resolve to become the bigger and better person than the person with unkind intent. Pray for forgiveness for your own ‘ugly’ ways…

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Your Discontent is the First Step Toward Awakening

In our day-to-day lives, most of our attention tends to focus on the realities of the conventional world: our relationships, perhaps raising children, going to school or work, addressing issues in the areas of health and finances. At the same time, we each experience, from time to time or even persistently, that whispered voice of our heart or higher self, reminding us and calling us to look beyond the conventional world to a higher or transcendent reality. Sometimes we experience a sudden wake-up call — a loss or change that forces us to consider what life is really about and…

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