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YOU are the Embodiment of Love!

Life is rich, filled with beautiful moments as well as difficult times. Life is a journey through the middle ground of the highs and lows, where you learn to find your sacred place of contentment. In this space of breath and awareness, you face life with a knowingness that whatever happens, this always remains true: you are strong, you are wise, you are loved and you are a beautiful person needed in this world. You have a higher purpose in life. You may bring certain qualities to everything you do, such as love, hope, faith, tranquility, abundance, truth, clarity, devotion,…

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Stand Strong and Become The True You

View your life experiences as a stepping stone to becoming a better you. Use your gifts to help another person and be the voice for the voiceless. Walk in faith, humility, reverence and obedience to a higher power and the ‘otherness’ that fuels your spiritual awakenings and guide your steps through troubles, setbacks and struggle. Be willing to forgive and ask forgiveness for yourself when you’ve been assaulted by lies and slandered with untruths. Be strong in your resolve to become the bigger and better person than the person with unkind intent. Pray for forgiveness for your own ‘ugly’ ways…

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Your Discontent is the First Step Toward Awakening

In our day-to-day lives, most of our attention tends to focus on the realities of the conventional world: our relationships, perhaps raising children, going to school or work, addressing issues in the areas of health and finances. At the same time, we each experience, from time to time or even persistently, that whispered voice of our heart or higher self, reminding us and calling us to look beyond the conventional world to a higher or transcendent reality. Sometimes we experience a sudden wake-up call — a loss or change that forces us to consider what life is really about and…

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Afam Onyema

Take Your First Step

One of my favorite figures from history is President Theodore Roosevelt. He lived an amazing life. He accomplished so many big things - he built the Panama Canal, won a Nobel Peace Prize, started America's national parks system. But he received a great deal of criticism during his lifetime, exactly because he dared to do big things. After his presidency, he gave a speech in response to all of those who had been hollering and sniping at him through the years. In it, he said that "it is not the critic who counts. The credit belongs to the one who…

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This Is Your Special Day!

How you are greeting this fine day? Are you bringing to it high energy... fresh from pleasurable dreams and a good night's sleep? Or are you slumping tiredly from your bed...and slowly creeping your way into the physical world? Either way is fine, because here's what I know to be true: You will figure this day out... just like you've figured out all the days of your life so far. And, with a little guidance, you may even find perfection in whatever comes your way today. How do I know this? Because I have lived so many days... woken up…

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The Power of Self

Self is inward. It is private. Self is your deepest dreams and greatest aspirations. It is your assets, vulnerabilities, body, mind and spirit. It’s your truth; what you want, who you are and who you want to be. I don’t think I ever thought about self as its own entity. I’ve thought about self-confidence, the times in my life when I’ve had it and times when I’ve needed it. I’ve thought about words like selfish and selfless, but never about self as separate. Then I began my journey of self-discovery. A difficult divorce forced me to acknowledge that while I…

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Worthiness Will Definitely Come up on the Path of Spirituality

This topic is one that is bound to come up during each person’s path of spirituality: Worthiness. The deeper we go within ourselves, the more beautiful the internal world becomes. We tap into our purpose. We begin to understand what feeling good is all about. And even though this is all very natural: We are meant to feel good at all times… It is also new territory. The reality is most people have been conditioned into states of mind such as fear and worry – and sometimes these conditionings come from childhood. It’s almost as if we have to reverse…

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The Importance of Asking Questions

We spend so much of our lives seeking answers to others’ questions and to the Big Questions: Who are we? Why do we exist? Why do we die? What happens afterward? How should we live? How can we be happy? How can we give back? What does it all mean? It’s important that we give these questions their due, that we try to answer them for ourselves. But we must also strike out on our own. In contemplation of the grail quest, comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell wrote, “Where there is a way or path, it is someone else’s path; each…

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Achieving Your Potential, Despite Adversity

Life is an adventure, a journey through many valleys with many mountains to climb. You're going to get tired, you're going to be hungry, you're going to feel lost. Some nights will be cold and filled with scary things. Some days will be long, hot and without comfort. Take the time, even when it's hard, especially when you don't feel like it, to stop and look back to see how far you have come. Look at your life in awe for what you have accomplished and know that you have the ability, the grace and the wisdom to continue moving…

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Overcoming Failure

If you have ever hit a wall of failure at top speed, you know the paralyzing feeling that takes place inside your body. That paralyzing feeling stops you in your tracks, turns a great thing into your worst nightmare. If you have ever poured your heart and soul into something and somehow, someway, it failed, you know what it feels like. This feeling of defeat can lead you down two roads. One is the road to nowhere. This road is the road that keeps you from getting out of bed in the morning, changes your beliefs about yourself, changes the…

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The Wild Journey to Healing Starts at Home

One of my big demons has been codependency. For a lot of people, this is a bizarre concept. At first glance, the characteristics of the caretaker seem positive. Caretakers are often sensitive, compassionate, deep feelers and problem solvers. They take care of stuff. They feel called to save the world. No problem is beyond them. Part of what makes healing from care taking patterns so difficult is because on the surface these appear to be positive qualities. Why would a person like this need healing? The answer is that the deeper and often subconscious motivation for these ‘selfless’ behaviors is…

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Embrace The Process – Enjoy Your Journey

Enjoying the journey leading to the goal is as important as achieving the goal. Allowing the journey to divinely unfold is the secret to balance and success. Achieving goals starts at a very early age and is interweaved throughout our lives. Sell the most Girl Scout cookies. Win the spelling bee. Read the most books over the summer to receive the coveted award. Be in the upper 5% of your high school class to get the college scholarship money. Get the job with the top company. Get the bonus. Get the promotion. Buy a house. Buy a bigger house, etc.,…

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