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Whatever the Situation, We Can Always Love

  It is a very rare privilege to be able to share two modest insights on life with an audience such as you. I am most grateful for this opportunity. At one period in my life, I seemed to be right on the top of things: A successful trainer and writer, a comfortable income, exceptional health, a marriage given in example by all and a spiritual path of 40 years standing. And then in the space of a few months, everything came crashing down: my fabulous marriage; I faced the greatest health challenge of my life (with very dire medical…

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Ignite Your Universal Light

At times you may feel alone or lost; like you were born at the wrong time, or into the wrong circumstances. As if you are in constant search for a lost ‘something.” That something is the light within you! You may have had a glimpse at the light every now and again and it gives you comfort, like a "coming home" sort of feeling. It stays with you for a time but diminishes as you move along. It comes back to visit and as much as you want it to stay with you, it fades. Maybe you have seen that…

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How to Welcome and Learn from Restlessness

I used to seek change outside myself: a new promotion or job, home, country to explore, a new relationship. I also channeled my restless nature in physical exertion and a full diary. I was goal-driven, and achievement-focused. As long as I was busy, all was well. To slow down made me painfully aware of the discontent that trailed me like a twinge. I started climbing mountains as a hobby. In the outdoors, my mind slowed and I would return to my sea-level life fresh and recharged. Over time, I wanted to commit to my mountaineering passion as a way of…

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The Surest Guide

Do what you love. Trust it. Your passions will lead you where you ultimately want to go. It may get messy in the middle of the journey. At times it may seem you’re in the wrong place altogether. Things may get painful and stormy. But trust your heart. Time and life will prove to you that following its calling is the truest path to your greatest fulfillment and happiness. If you have a dream, a talent, a voice—if you have something inside you that wants to come out, go for it. The only thing holding you back is you. The…

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The Joys of Discomfort

One of the greatest words I have ever discovered and one of the main contributing factors to my personal growth is discomfort. The opposite of discomfort is contentment, which in many ways can be the "killer of dreams and aspirations," because it somehow convinces you that you have arrived in a "safe place" and you should have enough common sense to remain there. I was at that place of contentment in my life. In fact it was more like I had decided to just accept the unfortunate cards life had handed me. I was a high school dropout, failed recording artist,…

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Children, Breakfast, and a Lesson for Adults

Not long ago I was in Seoul South Korea having breakfast in the restaurant of the Westin Chosen Hotel. You can order off a menu or go to the various cooking stations and chefs in tall - crisp-white chef’s hats will cook eggs or other foods to order. But this is not about the food, but the children from various countries who were there having breakfast with their parents. The children would go with their parents and stare at amazement at the guy with the tall white hat on his / her head - they were in awe. It did not…

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Believe And You Shall See

There is more to life than what is seen by the human eye. Allow yourself to feel and sense the deep richness underlying all that can be seen. Because there indeed is more. Be and live openly- with an open heart, open mind and open eyes. Listen to all that is being said in and between the words, actions and silence. Take it all in and experience the experience. Don’t judge; learn the lesson and love instead. Learn to forgive; it’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Accept support because we are all connected and refusing support…

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Getting Over That Bump in the Road

Remove from your head everything you've ever been told you are or are not. You probably know yourself better than anyone else does anyway. Nothing that anyone else says you are can change who you really are. So forget them! They only hold you back. If you think you are capable of achieving great things, but some voice inside tells you it can't happen or won't, recognize the voice and shun it! As long as you listen to that voice, you'll only go as far as that voice allows you. This is your voice of inner confidence. Don't live your…

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Michelle Ernsdorff

Following Your Internal GPS

Have no regrets, for each decision you have made and each step you have taken has led you to this moment today. And in this moment you owe it to yourself to be thankful for that long and windy path that lies in your yesterday (because it is over and you made it!!) and to be excited about the unknown curves that will certainly come your way as you approach your tomorrow. Of course, we each have an idea of who it is that we want to be, and what it is that we want to accomplish, and where it…

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Learning to be Self-Full in Divine Order

Through my 43 years, I have learned to be comfortable in my own skin by understanding that I must have GOD first in everything I do and say. When I was 34 years, I had a moment of self-discovery. I realized my life was flashing by, and I did not feel complete as a woman. There were many things personally I wanted to accomplish before I settled into a relationship/marriage and have children. But I questioned those ideas - will I ever get married or is marriage in my future? Do I want to get married, and have children? Yes,…

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What To Remember As You Journey Through Life

Everybody has a past. What makes yours different from everyone else’s is that you actually lived and survived yours. Your life shoes were fitted for you and not for anyone else. Your past only shows where you have been. Your today dictates where you are going. Don’t let your past dictate where you are going. Understanding where you were in life, in comparison to where you are, will help you to be able to understand where you are going. Only look back on your life to see how far you have gone. It’s not meant for you to stay looking…

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