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What To Remember As You Journey Through Life

Everybody has a past. What makes yours different from everyone else’s is that you actually lived and survived yours. Your life shoes were fitted for you and not for anyone else. Your past only shows where you have been. Your today dictates where you are going. Don’t let your past dictate where you are going. Understanding where you were in life, in comparison to where you are, will help you to be able to understand where you are going. Only look back on your life to see how far you have gone. It’s not meant for you to stay looking…

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Peace Begins with Me

I don’t need five hundred words to share with the world the most precious wisdom attained in my lifetime. My message is simple - "Peace begins with me." These few words are so simple, yet they contain a message so profound as to be the only key to the utopia our troubled world seeks. Words cannot open doors, but when we receive them with our hearts, we will perceive them with our minds in perfect harmony. Almost from the time we gain the ability to process thought, we set forth on a journey that takes us further and further away…

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The Light Inside the Dark

One of the most profound symbols we have on this planet is the ancient Chinese yin/yang symbol. If you spend some time with it, it will reveal some very essential keys to a life well-lived. Take a moment and really look at it. Can you see how the dark and the light are nestled together? They aren’t at war with one another. In fact, they literally complement each other. What this symbol is saying is something so often overlooked – that both dark and light are essential in life. If you observe your mind closely, you will see that it…

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Insights from a Baby Boomer

As a female baby boomer, I am proud that my generation of women has made many forward strides with women’s rights and workplace equity, but there’s still so much that needs to be done. Gen Y Women – your combination of a clean slate, fresh insight on technology, and family values has the potential to change the world. It’s up to your generation now! To help you with this, I’m giving you a gift of the wisdom I’ve learned. Take Charge of Your Life Today. Do you really know what you value, what your important roles are, and what YOUR PASSION…

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The Path Meant For You

Ever wish you hadn't made that choice "back then", or that you had taken a different path in life? Why? Don't you know who you are and who you are from? You are a part of the Creator of all that is. Enjoy every day and every one! In fact why not just enjoy every experience that comes our way. The ultimate destination is the same for all of us, to return "home", so you might as well enjoy all of your time here. Think of it this way: have you ever gotten ready to drive to a location that…

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Instructions for a Good Life

You are stronger than you think. Life sometimes throws you a test. Throw it back. Dig deep into your soul and use the resilience you have learned over the years to get where you are going. Journeys take steps. Action is required to see results. The road may be hard at times, but if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other, you will reach checkpoints along the way that will allow you to see how far you have come and give you the strength to continue the next leg of the journey. Listen to the whispers.…

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Find Your Fullest Potential

To know where you are heading, realize you are the creator of your life. Don't let others dictate what you should be, do and have. Instead be the creative force, by being the author of your life. Would you be excited to read your biography? Don't worry about the passage of time, for where you are at, is exactly where you need to be. Start today as a clean slate. What longings have you swept under the rug? It's time to revisit or create new desires. To have clarity, trust your intuition and take advice only if you feel good…

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Rethinking the Next Stage of Your Life

Imagine a GPS that is set on a certain course. You know where you want to go, you type in the address and then trust that it will direct you to your destination. One thing that the machine may not comprehend is that there are times when detours, accidents and road construction get in the way of an otherwise direct route. What does the voice in hand-held device calmly and in a matter-of-fact manner say to you? One simple word: RECALCULATING. Then it goes about its job of re-directing your trip. In 2008, my inner GPS did a major recalculation. My…

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The Gift of Our Existence

Words spoken and unspoken millions of times Actions taken countless times throughout the day Trying at each moment to explain 'Love' As if 'Love' is a concept that can stand on its own The tendency to take concepts that are the embodiment of our soul and our being and trying to explain them as if we can remove ourself from that which by its definition is from within. This is a flaw of Western Logic. The most extraordinary pursuit we as human beings may endeavor during our lives, is to become whole, that is to fully prepare for our spiritual…

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What Baby Steps Will You Take Today?

If you're anything like me, with the New Year ahead of us, our minds are now turning to the things we'd like to accomplish in the New Year and to our resolutions. With the close of one year, it seems natural to look at our accomplishments and our outstanding goals and dreams. Sometimes that reflection can bring a feeling of excitement, and sometimes it can create a feeling of overwhelming proportion when the mountain ahead of us appears too large to summit. It's critical when looking at any large task to remember one thing. You first learned to walk by…

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Honoring Your Process and Your “Bothers”

As a perpetual spiritual student and seeker of ultimate joy, I often find myself stuck in a web of conflict. Self-imposed and created, of course. After contemplation and mind games I play with myself to manage my emotions and implement my "schooling," I am left confused, frustrated and no happier than when I began. I persist in hopes of finding a way, "the" way, to relinquish bad feelings and resume feel-good living. There's something about the spiritual path of evolution that can make one feel "bad" for having thoughts and emotions that are anything less than happy or positive or hopeful…

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The Truth About Transformation

Transformation is a process and a journey, not a destination. You will not wake up one day and be “transformed.”  Though some people, teachers or speakers may make it look like eternal and ultimate bliss, keep in mind that you're not seeing behind the scenes. It takes real effort, reflection and passion (drive and motivation!) to expand into a higher version of yourself... and to not fall back into old patterns. It’s a cycle, just like the wheel of life. You will have good days, bad days, slip ups, successes and everything in between. This doesn't mean something is wrong…

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