All moments matter.
Perhaps you believe that there are two types of moments: Ordinary moments and extraordinary moments; moments that are to be treasured and moments that might as well be pitched in the trash.
But all of our “ordinary moments” are moments that we must learn to treasure. Why? Because these “ordinary moments” moments are like seeds from which the exotic flowers of extraordinary moments blossom. If we are expert gardeners, we will look at the humble seed and know that a blossom of remarkable beauty is waiting to be born from it. We know that if we take care of it, feed it nurture it, and are patient with it, then ultimately its breathtaking beauty will ultimately be revealed to us.
If we take care of the ordinary moment that is, just as we would care for the humble seed, then will see that miracles lie within it, waiting to be born. If we care for the moment with wisdom, with understanding, and with love — we will see it blossom in extraordinary beauty.
Think back to the most miraculous, breathtaking moment of your life. And now imagine if you removed all of the ordinary moments that led to it. What would happen to the miracle? It would disappear. Without the seeds of many unremarkable moments, the miraculous moment would never have manifested.
Every moment you are alive and breathing, you are holding the blossom of eternity in your hands.
So what does this all mean? It means that your daily life, with all its errands and housework and paperwork and phone calls and emails and meetings, is the heart of your spiritual practice. Why throw away 97 percent of your precious time on this planet as if it were just meaningless drudgery. Your daily life is the rich soil in which the garden of meaning blossoms.
And in order to plant the seeds of your garden of meaning and miracles, we believe that when you wake each day, rather than asking the question, “What do I need to do today?” you should ask “What do I want to BE today?” Do you want to be happy? Relaxed? Compassionate? Strong? Courageous? Well then, your daily life is offering you countless chances to practice at BE-ing that person. Every item you have on your to-do list is your grand opportunity to be that person.
So, be compassionate as you speak to the teller at the bank. Be Relaxed as you sit at the red light in traffic. Be Strong as you comfort a child who is nervous about an upcoming test. Be courageous as you present a new idea at a meeting. This is truly what it means to nurture the flower that lies waiting to blossom within the seed.
Care for your “ordinary moments” by being the person you truly wish to be — no matter what you are doing, no matter where you are — and watch as miracles take root and come to flower.
Lauren – well stated. So true that we tend to ignore or belittle all those little moments that make up the majority of our life. Without them the extra special ones might not occur and certainly would not be as well appreciated. Thanks for the reminder.