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I’m a restless sort of a gypsy soul and I have found that following my intuition and my heart has led me on a fascinating journey. I have come to understand in the course of my lifetime that the only thing that matters, the only thing that is real is love.

When I speak of love, I mean absolute unconditional love. When we love unconditionally, we are reaching our highest purpose. When we learn to love unconditionally we also learn to forgive. When we learn the power of forgiveness and come to understand that forgiveness isn’t a sanctioning of bad behavior, but a releasing of our attachment to it, then we are truly free.

In my mind, God is not a noun. God is a verb. God is love in action. When we love unconditionally, we know God. When we can find the compassionate heart and learn to love everyone, even those we might consider our enemies, we experience the divine.

I think it’s incredibly difficult to love without attachments, I know it is for me. We all filter everything through our own experiences. We all have these unspoken desires, attachments and expectations that shade our reality and our relationships with others. No two people will ever see the same situation in the same way.

If we can understand that and try to move beyond that, we can begin to create real communication and forge real connection. It’s human nature to judge or fear those we deem to be unlike ourselves. Fear of “the other” is the thing that drives hatred, wars, violence, racism, sexism and those who promote this kind of fear know that it is powerful.

Love is more powerful.

My current path is about creativity. When we “create without filters,” we are channeling a powerful force. If you think about it, the opposite of creation is destruction. When we create without judging ourselves or the result of what we are creating, we are standing in the face of that destruction and defying it. That’s powerful stuff and that is in my mind an act of unconditional love.

It is my goal to help others find that creative spark and ignite it. It is my hope to inspire others to explore their creativity and to be more interested in the process than the result. There is so much to be learned from the process, and ultimately the moment is all we really have. What remains as soon as it is created is a shadow of the moments it took to create it. If we can live fully in each moment, we experience the full power of the creative force.

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Margot Potter is a woman of diverse talents and interests. A classically trained actress, professional vocalist, respected designer, prolific author, freelance writer and blogger, public speaker, TV hostess and consultant, she's a true Renaissance woman (or a Jill of all Trades depending on which day you ask her.) She approaches everything with her signature sense of humor and copious amounts of joie de vivre because she feels that if it's not fun, it's simply not worth doing.

Impatient, Imperfect, Irreverent and Impetuous, Margot is a design expert for the rest of us. She invites people to not only think outside of the box, but to tear it up, repurpose it into something fabulous and stand on it to reach for the stars. She's equally comfortable at the writer's desk, in the design studio, onstage or in front of the camera.

Her popular The Impatient Beader how-to book series is a best selling trilogy available at major book purveyors and online. She is also the author of Beyond the Bead and New Dimensions in Bead and Wire Jewelry.

Margot has appeared on a variety of TV shows and has been featured in numerous blog interviews, podcasts and webcasts locally and nationally. Margot's no nonsense approach to crafting demystifies the creative process for the average Joe and Jane, inviting everyone to the creative table and convincing all of them that they too can "Create without FiltersTM"

Margot lives in a 127-year old former Amish school house with her 10 year old daughter Avalon, husband Drew, two pot bellied pigs, sixteen pecky chickens and one snarky but lovable terrier. She spends her days in her sunny studio dreaming up new ideas, fine tuning the art of shameless self promotion and plotting world takeover one crafty idea at a time.

For more information, please visit

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