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Learn how being bold pays big dividends in this interview with Robin Jay.

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Robin Jay is an award-winning filmmaker, author, speaker, and publisher. She is not just “The Queen of the Business Lunch™,” but is a Business Relationship Expert who shares the nuts-and-bolts of building profitable business relationships.

Robin’s award-winning book, The Art of the Business Lunch ~ Building Relationships Between 12 and 2 (Career Press) is in 12 languages worldwide. She is also a contributor to Chicken Soup for the Wine Lover’s Soul. Robin has been featured internationally on MSNBC-TV, Newsweek Magazine, CNN, the BBC, the New York Times, The London Financial Times, and other well-recognized media outlets.

In 2006, she founded the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau. As president, she not only runs the bureau and coaches speakers to success, Robin also published The Power of the Platform, a series of anthologies that feature messages from today’s top motivational speakers, including Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Les Brown.

Robin’s first film is The KEEPER of the KEYS - the first FUNNY personal development movie - which stars Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff. Robin wrote, produced, and costars in the movie. Her goal was to empower viewers by keeping them engaged. She was thrilled when the movie won the Las Vegas International Film Festival Award for Best Independent Film and The INDIE Fest award for Best Documentary.

Her next project is tentatively titled The Secrets of the Keys, which will also be a hybrid film, featuring a fun, engaging fictional story along with expert testimonials and personal accounts from some of the top names in the self-help industry, including Brian Tracy, Mariel Hemingway, Dannion Brinkley, John Assaraf, and Don Miguel Ruiz.

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