Victoria Moran is the author of ten books, an international speaker on wellness and personal growth, and a certified life coach specializing in transformation and rejuvenation.
Victoria's latest book is Fat, Broke & Lonely No More: Your Personal Solution to Overeating, Overspending, and Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places, just out from HarperOne and now in bookstores everywhere! Her other books include Younger by the Day: 365 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Body and Revitalize Your Spirit, Fit from Within, Lit from Within, Shelter for the Spirit, and the best-selling Creating a Charmed Life, which has been translated into twenty-seven languages and is quoted on Celestial Seasonings' tea boxes.
Visit charmedlifelady.com for more information about Victoria's work and to read her blog, sign up for her e-newsletter, or find out when she's speaking near you!
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