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5 Principles For A Successful Life

There is no one all-encompassing secret that will magically transform a person into a raging success. However, there are a number of basic principles that, when followed and applied consistently, will indeed create the environment for a person to live an abundant, successful life - however one personally defines that term. Here are just a few of what I feel are the most powerful: Acknowledge things as they are, not as you wish they were. Please don’t confuse that with a lack of vision or being satisfied with the status quo, two things I strongly advise against. Just understand that…

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How to Leave Behind a Worthwhile Impression

My daily choices surround themselves around the fact that my life affects much more than just me. The decisions I make, even one as simple as not listening to my alarm, influences those around me. If, for example, I wake up late, not only am I late but I inconvenience my husband, the staff at the daycare, and my fellow co-workers who expected a meeting to start at 8:00, not 8:15. So I guess what it boils down to is: Be aware of how your actions and choices affect others. One of the difficulties of having a family in today’s…

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Struggling Financially? Start with Love

In my first Inspire Me Today post, I talked about love. When I was deciding what to write this time, I thought: What follows love as a top concern? The answer is money. Interestingly, the two are entwined. The key to financial abundance, just like everything else in life, is love. We must love ourselves in order to 1) feel worthy, 2) receive abundance, 3) maintain wealth, and 4) grow our financial resources. If there are parts of ourselves we don't love, our subconscious mind will find all sorts of ways to create the financial difficulties we think we deserve. Thankfully, there are…

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How To Do Divine Business

Businesses can and should be mechanisms for doing great God driven things in this world. Money is not bad, unless it becomes the first objective and thus the idol to be sought and worshiped. Many companies know this and succeed in many ways, while they are directed by purposes other than money. Ironically, they also succeed financially, because they have higher goals, not in spite of them. Unfortunately this is harder for public companies, but even many of them do not put money first, and thus reap rewards for themselves and people in general. I have been blessed in my…

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The 3 Great Money Myths & Your Journey To Wealth

When was the last time you felt stressed about money? If you’re like most of us, your answer is probably…today. In fact, a recent poll by the American Psychology Association found that money issues are the #1 source of stress for most Americans. That’s why we’re excited to announce that bestselling author Lynne Twist and renowned wealth coach Tammy White are offering a brand-new free training event to teach you how to overcome your barriers to wealth and create the financial freedom you long for:

The 3 Great Money Myths & Your Journey To Wealth: An Online Training To Help You Eliminate Your Financial Stress and Put You On The Path To True Prosperity

Lynne and Tammy have helped thousands of people transform their relationship with money. In their free online training, they’ll give you the keys to create the prosperous and fulfilling life you want to be living. Register Here for the 3 Great Money Myths’ Online Training at No Charge. Inspire Me Today is proud to not only introduce you to Lynne and Tammy, but to recommend that you register for this life-changing course right now. We believe that you'll be glad you did!

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Winning The Lottery Of Life

I’m in Las Vegas for a few days, taking a speaker’s training workshop with the incomparable, Les Brown. As I was walking to our conference room this morning, I had to walk through the casino. I’m not a gambler, rarely walk through casinos, and I felt like I was experiencing sensory overload on this short walk. There were slot machines everywhere, and at each, someone was already aimlessly feeding its voracious appetite. The vast majority of the folks there were over 70, obese, smoking, drinking (in the morning!) and looked haggard and defeated by life. Perhaps they'd been gambling all…

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to-do list, checklist

Safety Checklist

Recently a client admitted to falling back into an old undesirable habit. Ashley had once again become a tyrant at home. She was obsessed with the cleanliness of her house. She worried about getting things done on time. She stopped interacting with her family. The only time she spoke to them was when she was barking out an order or reprimanding when something was not done correctly or on time. Ashley was obsessed with her to-do list. She was frantic to complete each item. She was becoming very stressed by all she wanted to complete. The first thing I told…

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Beyond Money and Power

Lately I have been experiencing a ground swell of desire for a new way to be and live. I expect to see this from my clients, however I am seeing it in places and people I would not expect. Arianna Huffington shares her thoughts about redefining success in her new book, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom and Wonder. Instead of focusing solely on money and power, she calls us to look to a third metric centered on the quality of our lives. A relaxing weekend at a friend’s summer house becomes a discussion…

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