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We are only 10 and 12 years old, so we still have a lot to learn. But we have co-written a book. Not only did we help our dad write it, but we help tell people about our book. We have done book readings at elementary schools, the YMCA, libraries, and the San Diego Children’s Museum. We have done book signing events at Barnes &; Noble, Warwick’s Books, Mysterious Galaxy Books, Readers Books, farmer’s markets, and book fairs. We have been written about in a bunch of print and web articles. We have had web radio and video interviews. We have met well-known authors, artists, actors, and movie production people.

Those have been a lot of fun and great experiences for us. We have learned some important lessons that we would like to share:

Be Confident – Don’t let what other people think stop you from going after your goals and doing what is right. Just because we are young boys doesn’t mean we can’t write a book or run a small business. The only limits are the ones in our heads. When people are negative or critical, that says more about them than it does about us. Chase your dreams.

Be Positive – It’s always a good idea to be nice to people. We found that when we are selling our book, we do much better when we are friendly and talk with people who stop by our booth. They respond better when we are upbeat and enthusiastic. It never hurts to smile.

Be Disciplined – We have learned from selling our book and running our web-based businesses that we don’t reach our goals right away. We have to work hard and long to reach them. Sometimes you have to do some boring things before you get to do exciting things. Sometimes an event can start off slowly, but we keep at it, and we always manage to finish strong. We have learned that you appreciate the things you earn much more than things you are given.

Be Organized – It is important to be prepared. When we go to a book signing, we have to plan. When do we leave home so we get to the event on time? Did we remember to bring our books, posters, and business cards? Did we pack snacks? After the event, we put half the profits in our savings accounts (which we don’t touch), and the other half in checking (which we can buy stuff with).

Be Brave – The only way you discover new things that you like, is to try them. And we are not just talking about writing a book. Eat a new food. Visit a new country. Read a new book. Tell people about what you are doing and what you want, like asking to post a flyer in a store. Ask for help when you need it. Be willing to try new things.

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Josh & Harrison Herz are the elementary school-aged serial entrepreneurs and first-time children's book authors. Josh enjoys Parkour and LEGO. Harrison loves basketball and animals. They are distant relatives of Madeleine L'Engle, whose book "A Wrinkle in Time" was just ranked #3 on the top 100 children's books of all time by Scholastic's Parent & Child Magazine. Writing must be in the DNA!

Along with their father, the boys co-wrote and promote the popular and beautifully illustrated kid's fantasy book Nimpentoad. The book won praise from published authors and garnered 88 Amazon 5-star ratings.

The book tells the tale of the courageous and resourceful little Nimpentoad, who leads his tribe of Niblings through the perilous Grunwald Forest, overcoming obstacles and encountering strange creatures along the way. Kids aged 5-10 enjoy the adventure and stunning illustrations. Parents appreciate a story that discourages bullying, and emphasizes teamwork, creativity, perseverance, and leadership.

With their dad's help, these young entrepreneurs also founded and operate three web-based small businesses. JH LEGO sold custom-designed LEGO gifts and party favors. J&H Bases ( sells custom cast miniature bases and terrain for the fantasy tabletop game Warhammer. YardCritters ( sells custom cast, hand-painted concrete yard animals and insects (think Garden Gnomes).

For more information, please visit

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