In 2006, something that I had been wanting for what felt like forever finally happened. It was the year my family got a dog. We named her Nestlé. I had known that there would be changes when Nestlé joined our family, but there was one change that I never anticipated.
Before we brought Nestlé home, I remember reading tons of books and watching TV shows like the Dog Whisperer…. My family wanted to know how to take care of our new (and first!) puppy.
These books told us that we should assert our role as master right from the start. It made perfect sense, until Nestlé actually came home with us. I found myself attending to Nestlé’s every little need. I was filling and cleaning her food bowl, making sure she had clean water and taking her out on walks.
Master? It didn’t seem to fit. There she was getting every need taken care of without ever having to lift a paw. I realized that no one can ever call themselves the master of any dog, or any pet for that matter.
I started thinking about other relationships in my life, and realized that I never was and never will be anyone’s master. I will always be serving someone at every moment in my life. I also realized that is true of us all.
Parents serve children and children serve parents, siblings, and friends. Heads of big corporations serve employees, teachers serve students and principals serve teachers and students. Presidents serve the entire country!
Bringing Nestlé home ended up being a transforming experience for me. My interactions with Nestlé helped me understand that it does not matter what our title is, what qualifications we possess, which country we are from, or how we view ourselves in comparison to others.
Our position, no matter who we are or where we live, is and will always be one of service. In fact, as we get older and gather more experience and respect our capacity to serve and help others grows. So if we can all realize and accept that our role will always be one of service, we can all have what we are hankering for – peace.
[…] Today’s Brilliance from Dylan Mahalingam […]