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The first and most obvious thing is that love is the single element that can heal the world. Most people aren’t sure where to put the love, how to cultivate it or how to feel it. Allow me to tell you: You need to start by loving your children.

If you give unconditional and total love, nurture and meet the needs of your kids, then they are going to grow up and pass that on to their kids. The children of today are the entire population of the future world.

If everyone treated their kids with total unconditional love and met all of their needs, we would have a world population of people who have been loved, who have had their needs met and they would believe and trust in the natural coexistence of all life. How monumental is that?

When I say children, I mean from zero to early 20’s. The needs I believe children are not getting met in this society are, first and foremost, from a lack of Attachment Parenting. Children are made up of needs and whatever you put into them. If you meet those needs, then children are full of met needs and love.

If you are putting shame, hatred, anger, punishment or violence into your children, then they become full of that negativity. Most of the culture sends children off to public school – that system is punitive. It is a very solid box into which we try to stuff these very creative individuals…

One of the worst beliefs that adults have in the mainstream culture is that if you give kids freedom, they are not going to know how to handle themselves. “Freedom” is a concept that adults in a sick culture have concocted. While you are still innocent, freedom is just living, it’s not something you can obtain or have or abuse; freedom is just what life is.

It is constraint that destroys innocence and restricts life. Constraint can be punishments, school, when needs aren’t responded to, or other forms of child abuse; those things constrain freedom, so they also constrain lives.

What matters is love. What doesn’t matter is superficial material objects such as designer clothing, video games, computers, technology, TV- things like that don’t meet needs. There’s the idea that getting a good job means success. That is so wrong-minded.

What matters is happiness and joyfulness with your life and doing what you are passionate about and that you love. Again, the whole love thing: If it has to do with love, it’s good!

Goodness is love, just as love is good. It’s a circular thing. If you give $100 to a charity because it soothes your conscience, that’s not necessarily out of love. Everyone should cherish the world and the world will be healed.

If you loved your children with irrational abandon, if you loved all people, the world and yourself, if every action you made was made with love, the world would be healed. If every action you made had loving intentions, if every move we made was born of love, the world would be healed, the world would be whole.

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Brycen R. R. Couture is an 18 year old unschooler who is the lead vocalist and songwriter of his Metalcore band, Serenade II Darkness.

The driving force behind Brycen's music is raising awareness to the horrors of child abuse and championing children's rights and social justice. Brycen was adopted by his loving family at age 11 from the foster care system. He lived in a total of ten different homes and programs prior to finding his "forever family".

Despite all of the trauma he suffered in his first 11 years of life and the challenges of Asperger's Syndrome, he practices and promotes compassionate, democratic communication and nonviolence. What Brycen asks of the world, he practices and has truly experienced first hand- That love, compassion and having one's needs met, heals all wounds.

At age 12 Brycen delivered his first public speech at a large professional conference, calling for an end to abuses of children which are still legal in the USA. He has since spoken at three other homeschooling conferences, has sat on teen unschooling panels and was filmed for the upcoming documentary Class Dismissed.

Brycen performs with Serenade II Darkness and released his first demo EP in 2011. He runs a small business making Medieval chainmaille crafts. He ran another small business making plush crafts from ages 12-15. Brycen also loves rock climbing, Dungeons and Dragons, LARPing, bicycling, reading, outdoor activities, nature and inventing dice role playing games.

For more information, please visit

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