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I believe that youth can make a change in the world about the environment. We can speak up for ourselves for what we believe is right and what we believe is wrong. We can make changes in the world by stopping the footprint of pollution on the Earth.

We should go green in every aspect of our lives: this is how I believe youth can make a change in the world.

Carpool with a friend to go to school or just bike. Find green alternatives for what you normally do. The next thing you know is that going green starts becoming a habit and a normal part of our everyday lives. I am helping with this change by encouraging people at my school to do this.

I have been involved in volunteering with the community at a very young age. I have participated in many fundraisers inside and outside the school. I even volunteered for organizations that only accept candidates older than me with the assistance of my family! Volunteering with all these organizations made me a successful candidate in all aspects because I am well organized, hardworking and cooperative.

I play an important role in the community by inspiring other youth to volunteer. This is important to me because I think age is not a barrier to volunteering!

I love volunteering because it is my passion and my pride. Volunteering is the only thing that keeps me moving all day. Without volunteering I would never have anything to do. I like volunteering because you give up your time to help others. And in the end you feel proud that you helped someone and it is a good deed.

I want to convey a message to all youth by helping out and being a practical example – if I can do it, then you can do it too!!

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I am in Grade 8 at Stewarttown middle school in Ontario with Level 4 standing participating in the Green Team, Concert band, Games Club, Focus Group and Intramurals for Sports.

Other extra-curricular activities include: Youth volunteer leader at Willow Park Ecology Centre, membership in the local Mayor's Youth Action Committee in Halton Hills, Fundraising for the Milton Regional Spelling Bee, (raising $1000) and Flight Corporal in the 820 Chris Hadfield Squadron of Milton Air Cadets. I demonstrate responsibility, maturity, teamwork, commitment and leadership in all the activities where I participate.

My interest in current affairs extends to such things as preventing the Acton quarry expansion in the Niagara Escarpment because the Niagara Escarpment is the main source for Acton. I am involved with, P.O.W.E.R (Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources) which petitions against it gathering 100 signatures. Authorities haven't made a decision yet, and P.O.W.E.R is trying to stop this from happening.

Recent awards include the 2011 Youth Recognition Award from Halton Hills Mayor's Youth Action Committee; 2011 Halton Regional Chair's Environmental Award; 2011 Milton Regional Spelling Bee of Canada Intermediate Championship; Public Awareness Award with Certificate of Appreciation from the Children's Aid Society and the Certificate of Recognition for the 2011 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award (OCNA) among 107 volunteers by the Georgetown Independent and Free Press.

Read Harnoor's post on the Inspire Me Today blog.

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