For anyone to be inspired, all that it takes is a little shove in the right direction.
In this day and age there are many problems… especially with the economy. Millions of people have lost jobs, lost homes, and lost hope. We need to help them out and try to make it better in the future.
You may be thinking that you’re just one person and that you can’t make a difference but that’s the thing, you haven’t even started and you already are doubting your ability!
What you need to be thinking is: whom you can help, what you can do to help them, and how can you make a difference? If each of us turned to our neighbor and shared our lives, hearts and resources, it wouldn’t seem such a daunting task. There is a point at which people have to do more than just think the good thought… it is time to act on it!
From all that I’ve learned in my thirteen years of existence is: that helping others pays off for you and the one that you helped.
What more could anyone ask for or want? Seeing a smile on someone’s face, receiving a hug that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and knowing that you’ve done something good for the benefit of others.
I mean if you were in a bit of trouble and someone helped you and asked for nothing in return, you would feel like someone cared enough about you that they would take their time to help you with your problems. True love would be the feeling that you’d be giving to others.
So the next time that you see an elderly person that has dropped their belongings, or a kid that scraped their knee, or even a person that has lost their bus money stop and think if I were in this position, would I want help and would I want them to make this decision for me, in my time of need?
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