I think you do not know love and appreciation until you rescue or adopt an animal.
With so many homeless animals, I wish more people would ADOPT, not shop. I understand wanting certain breeds, but why not save one from a breed rescue or shelter? Adopting older dogs or cats is also good because they have probably been in the system longer. Puppies and kittens usually spend less time in shelters.
When an animal spends less time in a shelter, that animal will be able to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
One of my dogs, Coconut was one of ten puppies. She was the last one no one wanted. A very kind person fostered her until she needed a “furever” home, then my family and I came along. We drove six hours to claim her so she never had to see the inside of a shelter.
Now I get millions of kisses when I come home. This dog makes me happy on my crankiest days. Whenever I think humanity is awful, I get her love and remember the special people who help animals. It is just as important for people to foster as it is to adopt. Foster parents get all of the love with less of a commitment.
Another thing people should remember is to spay and neuter their pets so there are fewer stray animals and fewer animals in shelters. If people are unable to take care of the extra animals, they end up in shelters that get overcrowded. With overcrowded shelters, these animals are more likely to not get adopted and die. Animals that are not spayed or neutered can make anywhere from a few to hundreds of strays in their lifetime.
Seeing parents raise other kids like me to spread kindness get high fives and paws up! Parents, it is as important as bringing your kids to school. Having your kids actively involved in a cause is another form of education. By having them help out, you are helping them and helping others. You are giving them education that might be even more influential than school.
I love seeing other kids helping paws out! We should stand up for animals that cannot stand up for themselves because animals need a voice, and kids can be that voice. Our world can be such a cruel place sometimes. We should learn the joy of giving back and standing up for the less fortunate. Find something that inspires you and give back.
Kids, we are the future. Help the world of tomorrow by starting today. Donate something even if it is just a few dollars, clothing or small amounts of food. Even if you cannot afford to make donations, everyone can donate one thing: time.
If everyone took just a few minutes to help others, the world would be a better place. Not only will it help you feel better, but you will help someone else feel better. It will help others get happier and continue the positivity!
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