I found a key,
That unlocks a treasure chest,
Is it empty?
Or is it filled with jewels and diamonds,
Silver and gold?
The key was hidden
But now it is in front of me,
If only I knew,
Just what the chest holds.
The key sits in my hand,
Slowly warming with the heat of my heart,
The choice is mine.
Do I take this key,
And open the chest now?
Or leave it,
For another time?
I found the key,
That unlocked the treasure chest.
This key of gratitude,
Unlocked the treasures of my soul.
The treasures are jewels of,
Happiness and joy.
Gratitude is the key. Every meaningful experience, person, thought, and idea that I have had, heard, or seen always ties back to gratitude in one way or another. This is the best piece of wisdom that I could ever have the pleasure of sharing with humanity. Yes, it’s true that there are other ways to be “happy,” but to truly stay happy forever requires gratitude.
I believe this deeply because I have experienced it first hand. Any time I come back from engaging in some sort of service, my heart is always overwhelmed with happiness. It’s because helping others through the hardships they may face makes you feel genuinely good about yourself. That’s why I started my own service project and charity–to help others and therefore help myself in the process.
But what many of us don’t understand, and what I had to learn myself, is that putting labels on people and things doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t matter in my opinion.
When you put labels on and then judge people and things, it takes away the true meaning from happiness.Oh, this person is “bad” because they are living on the streets, and this person is “good” because they have lots of money.
By doing this, you block your path to feeling happy. You’re unable to feel genuinely good because, no matter how wonderful a person may be, all that ends up being important are the labels and judgment.
“I found the key, that unlocked the treasure chest. This key of gratitude unlocked the treasure of my soul. The treasures are jewels of happiness and joy.” All you need in life to be truly happy is gratitude. When you are in your state of gratitude, you will always have joy. And, by helping others less fortunate than yourself, you will really be helping yourself in the end.
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