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Spring Renewal- Starting Anew

Just a few weeks ago I found myself mentoring a client who had gone through a major loss and life change. While sometimes difficult, rebuilding your life after a loss or big change can also be one of the greatest opportunities in life. When we look to Nature, we see that rebirth and renewal are a standard part of life. And like the newness of the Spring, we get to start over with the wisdom that we've learned from our past experience of what works and what doesn't. Life is giving us a clean slate to create anew. I've personally…

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Reconnecting to Your Inner Light

When I told the doctors who were about to perform surgery on me that I was sensitive, and to please use either less or weaker pain-killers afterwards, they didn't believe me. As a result, I had an intravenous nightmare ride for two days after the surgery until I made a big enough fuss that they took me off. Pain? Who cares about pain when you feel like your own mind is slipping you into the grossest, unimaginable insanity?!? Even after they had stopped administering the drug, the nightmares persisted when I tried to sleep. But blessedly, I could open my…

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