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You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

You don't have to do it alone. All your worries, all your stress, all your secret agonizing over what will be, and 'How can this huge problem ever get resolved?' and 'How can I help my child / spouse / sibling / friend to get out of the huge hole they've fallen into?' - you don't have to carry all that stuff by yourself. If you're really honest, what can you actually do about it all anyway? Can you pull a million dollars out of thin air and solve your financial problems? Can you cure cancer, clean up the environment,…

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Finding Serenity

If you've read any of my books, you've read about the "Serenity Prayer." This is a simple prayer, first used by Reinhold Niebuhr around 1934 and later given, by him, to Bill Wilson for use in Alcoholics Anonymous. This simple prayer became one of the "tools" that saved my life more than once when I was in the early days of my recovery and trying to piece my life back to together. I would recite it every day as a way to keep things in perspective and it has been a great help to me since. There are many times in our life when…

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10 Pithy Tips for Empowered Living

I would share these ten tips. 1. Being broke is not the same as being broken, losing money is not the same as being lost, and finding your balance is not something you can do on a balance sheet. 2. Don't confuse having less with being less, having more with being more, or what you have with who you are. 3. Slow down. What you're chasing may be trying to catch you. 4. Prayer is a path where there is none. 5. Put your faith and not your fears in charge. 6. God only gave you two arms. If you're…

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Ask a Luminary

Are You Aligned with God?

"I want to be closer to God. I've tried prayer and meditation, but I'm not hearing the answers I thought I'd hear. What have you found that works in creating a closer bond with the Divine?" ~ Judy, Tallahassee, FL Dear Judy, I believe that God is with us, inside us and around us at all times, and that God works through us to expand and grow. I use a “commitment question” to connect with the Divine. I ask myself, “How may I best embody supportive love, appreciation and gratitude in every moment?” Supportive love is unconditional. God gives you…

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Unanswered Prayers can be the Best Gifts

Over the past month, I was subjected to an evaluation. It got me thinking about the mistakes I made in the past, the mistakes I am making currently and the mistakes I will make in the future because I am human. I always say, “When we know better, we do better.” My wise wing-man told me today, “Man, I can mess up a lotta stuff too– just human nature: make mistakes, learn, try again, fall down, get up, move on, life’s learning cycle.” It took me 40 years to learn this and I’m still learning. I have made a career…

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Unanswered Prayers

Most of us learned to pray as little children. As adults, we've all had experiences where God (or the Universe, if you prefer) hasn't answered our prayers. A recent experience caused me to ask myself..... If God doesn't answer a prayer in the way that we expect the answer to appear, does that mean he's not listening..... or, could it mean that we're not?  A few days ago I was on Twitter when I saw a random tweet from a teenager, asking us to pray for her family, as they were looking for the answer to a big problem. As…

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