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Inspired by a Dog

We are blessed to live in such a beautiful place. Most days I take Koda, our year-old Samoyed pup for a long walk in the mountains and truly enjoy the beauty of Colorado. Yesterday I was too busy with commitments and only had time to visit the dog park in North Boulder. Koda was excited to be there to play with the other dogs. I was struck by the simplicity of life at the dog park. Each time we enter, no matter if there are two dogs or twenty, Koda happily bounds up to each one, tail flying, nose sniffing,…

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Celebrate Life by Living it to the Fullest!

Today would have been Randy Pausch's 48th birthday. We were fortunate enough to have Randy Pausch as one of our Inspirational Luminaries on  Randy, known for his "Last Lecture", passed away in July from cancer. I know how special birthdays are, for I just celebrated my 50th three days ago, surrounded by family and friends. On my birthday, one of my good friends, who is only in her early 40's, had surgery for cancer. All three of these things are reminders for me of just how short life really is. I think we all live our lives just assuming…

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Thanks for the Birthday Wishes!

Forget the hype.... forget the warnings. The "Big 5-0" is no big deal at all! Yesterday I celebrated my 50th, surrounded by family and friends in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Thank you to all who sent birthday wishes. I don't think I've ever had a birthday where I felt so loved. Thank you! For those that wrote and sent requests, here you go... a few photos of the day. Thanks again! Hugs, Gail

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GPS- Global Persistence System

My girlfriend Elaine has a business project she's been working on for nearly a year. This morning when we spoke she voiced her frustration about how her project seems to be going in a different direction than what she anticipated. I smiled and shared an experience with her. Recently we drove from Seattle to Boulder, about 1500 miles. Our Prius has a GPS unit that makes life so easy. I just enter where I want to go and within seconds, I'm given the choice of three routes including the shortest distance, the shortest time and an alternative route, with more…

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Finding Your Own Way

As I write this, it is nearly October, harvest time. Driving down the lane, through the woods this morning, signs were everywhere. The leaves, drenched in russet, gold, and autumn shades of green. Three deer paused in the act of eating breakfast from a neighbor's garden. Their brown, velvety coats, simply beautiful. Mother Nature has designed magnificent creatures. And then, I thought of you, and began to wonder just what might be useful for me to share with you, at this particular time in your life. You and I have seen the news. Isn't it funny how obsessed we can…

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The River of My Life

Recently a friend of mine told me that I have an interesting mind: one that can see anything physical and through metaphor, relate it to my life. Lately, just to see if she's right, I've been paying attention to things around me, choosing an object and seeing how I can relate it to my life. Yesterday as I flew from Philadelphia to Seattle, via Dallas, I decided to see if she was right. As we were nearing Dallas, a river intrigued me, bending and winding through a very dry area. From 30,000 feet it looked like a cinnamon pretzel, twisty,…

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