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How to have fun with cancer: 5 basic steps to joy

Immerse yourself in the terror and fear of that horrible "C" word that was just thrown at you. If you're not there yet, just let the doctors tell you about the treatments and statistics and you'll be there in an instant. Trust me. Cry from all the pain, sorrow, and yes - more fear, until you're pretty sure that no store will be able to keep up with your demand for tissues. Be furious over this injustice - after all, you don't deserve this, you're a good person, and you try to live as healthily as possible. Laugh at yourself…

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You’re Invited to Embrace Crazy With Me

Today I want to talk with you about something crazy- your ideas. Everyone has had a crazy idea at some point in their life. Perhaps it's the urge to start a new business, move to a different location or to do something outrageous to make a difference in your world. But very few people actually 'Embrace Crazy' and take the first step to implement their crazy idea into their lives. (Embrace Crazy is the name of my new book.) In order to understand what I'm talking about, I want to first define what I mean by the word "crazy". I'm…

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The Heart Is The Home of Wonder

By Edie Weinstein Breathe in the warmth of this place, allowing yourself to feel a sense of welcome It is your own love, your own beauty that beckons you inside How long has it been, since you have crossed this threshold? The door has always been open, the invitation always extended Will you accept it now? Through the windows streams sunlight, casting rainbow designs on the walls As prism glass reflects the scattered sparkling illumination The floor beneath your feet is soft Caressing your skin as you tap your bare toes on its surface Daring to dance upon it to…

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Happy Valentine’s Day: Give the Gift of Love and Life!

Happy Valentine's Day to our global community! For more than 1500 years, we've been celebrating Valentine's Day in one way or another. Since the middle ages, it's commonly been a holiday celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. According to, one legend contends that Saint Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men — his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform…

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Catch Someone Doing Something RIGHT!

Last evening as I watched the Opening Ceremonies for the Winter Olympics, K.D. Lang performed an amazing rendition of Leonard Cohen's song, Hallelujah. I was reminded of the last time I was in Canada, for Engage Today, last September. I was given a VIP ticket to a Bryan Adams and K.D. Lang concert that night, but due to a scheduling conflict, I was unable to attend. Between three friends and I, we had four VIP tickets and we couldn't attend the concert. It was just hours before the show. As we were sitting in a restaurant on the streets of…

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Healthy People, Healthy Planet: It All Starts With Our Food

This past week I had the opportunity to visit La Cocina Que Canta-The Kitchen That Sings- the cooking school at Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, located just a few miles away from the ranch. The farm is nestled in the flat lands at the base of a mountain in the most picture-perfect setting. The rustic, red brick Mexican style architecture set against the backdrop of lush gardens and cascading flowers is simply stunning. Most impressive were the organic gardens, in bloom with broccoli, baby lettuces, cabbage, radishes, onions, a large variety of herbs and many other vegetables. Our group of…

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Fundacion La Puerta- Making a Difference in Tecate

A few days ago I was inspired by the smile of a small boy named Diego, who lives in a poor community of Tecate, Mexico. I spent last week in Mexico as a guest of Rancho La Puerta. Our group of 18 bloggers visited Diego's community last Thursday. As a border town, Tecate is known as a migrant town and is highly transient. The average worker earns $5-10 per day. Diego and his family live in the outskirts of Tecate where people can still acquire land by squatter's rights. Diego's neighborhood is crammed with one tiny home after another, many…

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The Incredible Deborah Szekely of Rancho La Puerta

Recently I had the privilege of meeting Debrorah Szekely, the founder of Rancho La Puerta. I've been enjoying a luxurious week here at the ranch in Tecate, Mexico, as a part of a group of 18 women lifestyle bloggers. Deborah is an incredible woman and a mentor to all of us. The life story of Deborah is as full of achievements as it is improbable. Born in Brooklyn in 1922 and raised in New York City, Tahiti, and Marin County, California, Deborah found herself at age 18 jouncing down a dusty road in Tecate, Baja California, Mexico, in an old…

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Inspiration from Rancho La Puerta

Ah.... morning inspiration from Rancho La Puerta.... While on a walk yesterday, I found a permanent exterior chalk board that is the ranch's version of This board is about 3' by 3' in a stone monument with inlaid tiles. The artwork is exquisite! Each day they feature a different  inspirational quote. Today's quote "The soul is not where it lives, but where it loves. " It was so beautifully done that I wanted to share it with you...... with hopes that some of the peace I'm feeling this morning comes through this post to you. Enjoy your day! With…

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Blogger Bliss at Rancho La Puerta

A few weeks ago I was invited to visit Rancho La Puerta, in Tecate, Mexico. I'm here this week as a part of an international group of bloggers to experience this incredible resort and spa. I am truly excited to share Rancho La Puerto with you as I'm inspired just being here. We met yesterday at the San Diego airport and boarded a coach bus for the hour-long ride to the ranch, just over the border in Tecate, Mexicao. The light at the end of the tunnel, on in this case, the resort at the end of the very windy…

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How I Found My Purpose

When I learned that I was responsible for my own life - the whole enchilada - that's when it got more meaningful, more fulfilling, more fun, more vibrant, more interesting, more purposeful, and more everything good - in spite of my kicking and screaming every step of the way. I learned it while I was engaged in a bit of seeking, as it were, which consisted of reading some bestselling new age spirituality books, taking a few classes, going to workshops here and there, and listening to some audio CD's. When it became clear that everybody was pretty much saying…

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“O”, I “LOVE” the Magic of Cirque du Soleil!

I am so grateful for my family! Because of this blog, I had the great honor and the incredible privilege of being spoiled in a really big way. My friend Jessica with Cirque du Soleil gifted us with tickets for "O" and backstage passes and great seats for "LOVE" too! I want to share this amazing experience with you and sincerely hope that you too will find a way to experience the magic of Cirque du Soliel for yourself. You may remember I had the honor of interviewing the founder of Cirque du Soleil, Guy Lalaiberte for What…

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Do Less, Do More-Recommendations From Twitter

I love how my blogs take on a life of their own. On Friday, I tweeted a saying that I saw on a wooden box at a museum in New York City last week. It read...  "Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breath more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things are yours." I got a tweet right back that said, "Bark less, wag more". Within a few seconds the idea for a blog was born. I then sent this request to Twitter: Pls recommend 1 thing to do less and…

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The Whirlwind Tour: Interviews with “Rock Stars”!

I just returned home to Montana from a very productive trip to New York City and Las Vegas. Although my blogs are usually inspirational text, I wanted to share some fun photos with you today from the trip. I had the honor of interviewing some very inspirational people as future Luminaries on Additionally, I also interviewed these "rock stars" for my upcoming book, Embrace Crazy! Please allow me to introduce them to you here.... Please click on the images below for more! I'm glad to be home, but what an amazing week it was! Thanks to Mike, Lexxi, Scott,…

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We Teach Our Children Best By Our Example

A few days ago I spent the morning with my friend Amy, a 45 year-old mom and her 12 year-old daughter, Sara. For more than an hour we talked about Sara's dream to be a recording artist when she's older. Both her mother and I encouraged her and told her that she could do anything she set her mind to. We supported her 100% with great enthusiasm. Interestingly enough, I asked Amy, the mom, about her own dream. Shyly, she told me that she'd love to be a writer and actually has a book or two in her closet that…

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Embracing Crazy in New York

When is the last time you had a really crazy idea? You know what I mean... an idea that is so big it's frightening, but at the same time there is such excitement in the possibility that you can't wait to share it with someone else? Many times in my life when I've shared  an idea with a friend, I've heard, "That's crazy!"  If you're anything like me, you too have had this experience.  Those two words- "That's crazy",  have killed too many dreams and have literally stopped success in its tracks. But what if..... instead of running away from…

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You deserve to be happy – Take charge of your mood!

By Dr Michelle Gannon - a Psychologist specializing in Relationships, Wellness and Women's Issues. She writes at Dr Michelle Gannon and Marriage Prep 101 I realize that times are tough for many people, yet as an optimistic person I will go out on a limb, and say, “You are responsible for your own happiness. You deserve to be happy… Take charge of your mood”. What does it really mean to be happy? When you think of yourself and your life, are you being the person you want to be? Are you living a life that brings you joy and pleasure?…

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Twitter- It’s Not Brain Science, or is it?

Serendipity is one of my favorite things in life. I just received a telephone call from a Twitter friend, sharing how one of my tweets last week made her think bigger. With one little generic tweet, something triggered her to take action, resulting in a positive difference in her business. How cool is that! Just a few days ago I was on the telephone with my daughter asking for her help in finding someone who knows about the science of the brain. I'm writing a book and want to include information from a scientific point of view, but I don't…

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