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Deepening Love

By B. Lynn Goodwin. Why can't I get organized, I ask myself. Why do I keep spinning my wheels as I journal? I remembered the words of Temescal Writers leader Joan Marie Wood, who said, "If you keep writing about the same thing over and over, it means you have more to say." Could I be having issues again about whether or not my stories are mine to share? As a general rule, if it’s my story I have a right to share it, knowing it’s my emotional memory and no one else’s. Besides, that’s a concern to address down…

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Today’s Brilliance from Alanna Jai Wall

Whether you are young or old you CAN make a difference! Everyone is different, we all have different strengths, weaknesses and talents, and we just all need to be our true self! When I first started Polished Girlz two years ago, I thought that I was doing something that was very simple, that anyone can do this. But I quickly learned that this simple act of kindness is so much more than just polishing the nails of girls who have special needs or who are in the hospital. It was actually making them happy and made them feel good about…

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Harvesting Happiness: Overcoming Disappointment

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. How can you overcome disappointment? Here are a few simple things that you can try: Get rid of the evidence. Even the greatest thinkers and influential people faced rejection and disappointment. For example, Walt Disney was fired from his first job and look what he did later in life! Einstein failed some of his early classes, and was told by teachers he wasn’t intelligent because he daydreamed too much. In fact, he was daydreaming about the theories he would later change the world with—but the naysayers in his life couldn’t see that! Stay in the mud.…

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Your Gift to the World

By Thomas McGreevy. Someone very close to me started a business recently and it gave me the opportunity to witness a significant shift in her posture, a shift that I think we all could use. This person has always been a hard worker and never shied away from responsibility, but I don’t think she found much satisfaction in her work before she started the business.  I noticed how she would spend the small spaces of free time she had looking for ways to make her life better or more enjoyable.  This often took the form of browsing around in search…

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Today’s Brilliance from Erik McShirley

There are lots of sad, depressed, and/or angry people out there, but who says you have to be one of them? Easier said than done, you say? I've said that line a thousand times myself. But it's been proven that you are healthier if you have a good attitude. So why not do something relatively small, compared to things like marriage, or going to the moon, if it helps your health? (I mean that changing your attitude is small and good.) Try using humor to lift your spirit. If you want, try a joke book, or a comic book (the…

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Harvesting Happiness: I Want… I Wish

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. I want, I wish, only if... are some of the phrases we use to describe an ambiguous point in our future when we will have what we think we need to be happy. In the present moment, we are left feeling unfulfilled. We are living with a sense of longing for a brighter future. We are hoping to change our current situation so that we can finally, finally be happy. And what are the things we need to be happy? A relationship? A new home? A new car? A new job? New toys? There are many,…

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Jill’s Inspirational Weight Loss

By Kathi Casey. Today, when I was pondering my daily gratitudes, I began thinking about synchronistic events and how they arrive in our lives at just the right moment. Have you ever noticed that now and again someone comes along who truly inspires everyone around them and brings renewed enthusiasm into all of our lives? A friend of mine has done exactly that recently and I want to share her story with you. Feel free to share it with anyone else who may need a little bit of inspiration as well. Jill had been obese and diabetic for her entire…

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Today’s Brilliance from Zara Singh

I found a key, That unlocks a treasure chest,  Is it empty?  Or is it filled with jewels and diamonds,  Silver and gold? The key was hidden  But now it is in front of me,  If only I knew,  Just what the chest holds. The key sits in my hand,  Slowly warming with the heat of my heart,  The choice is mine.  Do I take this key,  And open the chest now?  Or leave it,  For another time? I found the key,  That unlocked the treasure chest.  This key of gratitude,  Unlocked the treasures of my soul.  The treasures are…

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Harvesting Happiness: Focus on Being Positive

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. Focus on being positive. Stop yourself from saying things like "I'll never finish this project" or "I'll never have a good relationship." Replace these thoughts with hope and positive statements, to help good things come into your life. Try meditation. It will help you to better cope with the stressful things in your life. Avoid self-criticism if possible. If you find yourself being critical, stop and just take a moment to readjust your attitude. Treat yourself more kindly; it makes a big difference. Figure out what your calling in life is. If your work doesn’t make…

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An Open Letter to Mikko McPuppers

By B. Lynn Goodwin. On our first walk you rounded the corner with pride, and looked up to say, "See how well I do this? I don't tug on the leash. I don't even stop and sniff. Please take me home." At that moment I decided we needed each other. I took this photo of you on the grass by the pool before the lifeguards came out and before I realized dogs weren’t allowed at the pool. I had no idea it would become your author photo five years later when you became a columnist for Silver Rescue. When I…

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Who Rescued Who?

By B. Lynn Goodwin. "See the decal? It's a dog's paw print that says, 'Who rescued who?' Good question, don't you think?" Even though I was picking up his prescription, Mikko stayed home, as he usually does now. He had a small stroke about six months ago, and even the walk between my condo and garage is too much for him some days. He’s become an old man, a little crotchety and semi-immobile, and sometimes incontinent. He looks at me with sweet, loving eyes and he tells me he loves me and he wants to still be here. So he…

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Harvesting Happiness: Living the Conscious Life

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. Have you ever thought about the power of gratitude? We've discussed the idea of a gratitude journal before. What emotions are linked with happiness? Optimism, hopefulness, curiosity and gratitude are all emotions that go hand in hand with happiness, but are just a few of many others. One emotion that is most valuable is gratitude. The exercise of keeping a daily Gratitude Journal is a tool that builds happiness. Every day you can write down in your Gratitude Journal the things that you are grateful for. Journaling pushes you to notice the good things that happen…

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Unexpected Answer

By B. Lynn Goodwin. Yesterday I opened iTunes and clicked on my Garth Brooks file, so I could hear an old favorite, "Unanswered Prayers." "Just a little diversion," I told myself as I uploaded a book review to Story Circle Network while Garth strummed the opening chords. Just the other night a hometown football game My wife and I ran into my old high school flame And as I introduced them the past came back to me And I couldn't help but think of the way things used to be… That started me thinking about the way things used to…

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Today’s Brilliance from Sean Martin

I think you do not know love and appreciation until you rescue or adopt an animal. With so many homeless animals, I wish more people would ADOPT, not shop. I understand wanting certain breeds, but why not save one from a breed rescue or shelter? Adopting older dogs or cats is also good because they have probably been in the system longer. Puppies and kittens usually spend less time in shelters. When an animal spends less time in a shelter, that animal will be able to live a happier and more fulfilling life. One of my dogs, Coconut was one…

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Harvesting Happiness: Laughter Is My Gateway Drug

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. They're not kidding when they say laughter is contagious. Just think back to the last time you really laughed. No, a quiet chuckle under your breath doesn't qualify; I'm talking about real deep-in-the-gut laughter that makes you forget about all the lousy things going on in your life. The kind of laughter that for an instant makes everything seem simple and carefree. When was the last time you experienced a natural high like that? Laughter is the ultimate escape from the high-drama, success-driven world in which we live. Once you experience the overwhelming positive effects of…

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Write Your Bucket List

By B. Lynn Goodwin. I never saw Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson in The Bucket List, but I know the movie inspired people around the world to make their own lists. In case you've never heard of such a thing, a bucket list is a list of goals, dreams, ambitions, and the experiences you'd like to have before you die. It can include countries and people you want to visit, events you want to see, and sports, hobbies, and activities you’d like to try sometime. Whether you want to run a marathon, learn a foreign language, see the Aurora Borealis,…

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Harvesting Happiness: There Are Three Sides to Every Story

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. Since what seems like the beginning of time, people attempting to diffuse disagreements have told people wrapped up in the quarrel that "there are two sides to every story." The result usually goes something like this: One person in the argument is more emotional than the other and immediately scoffs at the comment. The other person in the disagreement – the one that is likely a little more willing to back down – sees his or her foe’s reaction and then tosses out any thought of meeting halfway. Every once in a blue moon, the idea…

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