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Today’s Brilliance from Dylan Richards

As cliché; as it sounds, one should pursue their interests. If you find something that inspires and motivates you, then dedicate yourself to it. Think about how you would like to pursue your interest and, like the Nike commercial states, "Just Do It!" Do you want to be an advocate? To learn? To create and deliver a concept? How do you want to channel your enthusiasm? Don't waste time with things you don't care about. Look for something in the world that needs your help, something that you care about, and then commit. My interest in sustainable, local and organic…

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Harvesting Happiness: How to Float and Sting Like Muhammad Ali

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. Boxing icon Muhammad Ali, also known to the world as Cassius Clay, "The People's Champion" or simply, "The Greatest," has just as much talent for words as he does for boxing. Ever since the legendary boxer coined the phrase "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee," people worldwide have been using the famous saying to describe anything that brings beauty or art to a battle situation. (Not sure what I mean? Check out footage of Muhammad Ali's graceful fighting style and you’ll get the picture.) Here in the 21st Century, war is everywhere. It’s the…

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Journaling Empowers

By B. Lynn Goodwin. Journaling empowers the world's number one nurturers: mothers. As a mom and family caregiver, you are a multi-tasking advisor. You give to others and juggle your time. Are you a woman who does not have time to take care of herself? Journaling is an excellent way to get past the problem. If you’re a man who found this site, you likely have many traits in common with women who nurture. Writing gives perspective. According to university studies, writing saves lives as it restores sanity and balance. Do not underestimate its power. Journaling helps you explore and…

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How To Simplify Our Busy, Stress Filled Lives!

By Kathy Casey. When I looked up what's going on in the world in order to write a relevant article, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the first week of August has been designated as "National Simplify Your Life Week." Now, that's a timely subject! Most everyone I know is continuing in their job because retirement funds are not quite there yet, starting new businesses, or taking care of grandkids or elderly parents. We are so busy that it’s sometimes difficult to find time for our friends. This can lead to a lot of stress, sometimes good stress if…

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Today’s Brilliance from Kelly Taylor

My achievements in the world of music have opened countless opportunities to partner with charities and not-for-profit organizations. Realizing that my music is a gift to be used for good is incredibly important. I have embraced the responsibility of using my talents to create positive experiences for as many people as possible. My favorite concerts are when I can be a part of a group effort that is working to make the world a little brighter for others. It is awesome to be able to distract people from their troubles with my music and see their faces light up or…

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Harvesting Happiness: How To Make A Good First Impression – Be An Ambassador of Goodwill

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. Whether we like to admit it or not, we all engage in a bit of everyday politics. That's especially the case when we meet someone for the first time, regardless of whether the person is a potential love interest, new client or friend. Just as any good diplomat would, we enter these first meetings with an arsenal of tools to help us represent ourselves in the best possible light. For some people, the tactics are a big smile and lots of jokes; for others, it's a calm, collected manner that they’re hoping will come off as…

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Skies, Silhouettes, and Special People

By B. Lynn Goodwin. Sometimes words inspire us; sometimes photos of skies, silhouettes, and special people are worth a thousand words. Inspiration comes in all sizes and shapes. Sometimes it’s anticipated and sometimes it’s unexpected. What inspires you? Do you have your own set of inspiring photos? The mist rising from Victoria Falls shows me the power of nature. It’s so beyond my power. Surely something grander than humans designed this. And what am I, a middle-aged California woman, doing in Africa? I’m seeing one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Life can be amazingly inspiring when you say…

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Releasing Limitations

By Gail Lynne Goodwin. Sometimes the greatest limitations we have in life are the ones we place on ourselves. I have a friend named Doug, who is a professional animal trainer. He's best known for his "Hollywood" bear named Bart, the star of Legends of the Fall, The Bear, The Edge and many more films. When Bart was a cub, Doug trained him to walk on a rope, just like we would walk a puppy on a dog leash. The only difference was, as Bart grew bigger, Doug would still walk him on the rope, but would reinforce it with…

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Today’s Brilliance from Henry Miller

Well, if I get to pass anything on to the world it would definitely be my belief in individuality. You see, when I was a really little kid I was pretty wild and crazy, climbing walls and running around. I'd tear off my socks and disappear. One day my poor mom, who was tired of buying me new socks all the time, took me to the store and asked me to pick a color. Without hesitation I picked my favorite color, orange. When we got home we dyed every single sock I had orange and suddenly people started returning my…

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Harvesting Happiness: A Little Old-Fashioned Chaos Goes A Long Way

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. Chaos is a sneaky thing. Just when you think everything in your life is falling into place, chaos is bound to be lurking right around the corner. It's the mischievous little kid who loves to stick his fingers in the icing of a perfectly decorated cake minutes before the party guests arrive. It’s the sudden rainstorm that seems to appear out of nowhere during your relaxing early-morning hike. It’s the boss who dumps an overwhelming, unexpected project on your desk just as you’re starting to get your workload under control. Ancient Greeks believed chaos was the…

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A Classic Couple

I was not born on the Fourth of July, but my marriage was. A year ago, after the Fourth of July fireworks were over and the neighborhood had quieted down, something drew me to the personals on Craigslist. Every time I go in, I remind myself of the good things I’ve found there. I found a webmaster, who’s worked with me for 10 years, the world’s best shih tzu, and a good friend named Warren, who took me to lunch for two years while cancers, neuroma, and other medical issues ate away at him. We remained platonic, and when he…

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Harvesting Happiness: The Art of the Fine Whine

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. There are essentially two different kinds of people in the world: the ones that express their feelings, letting out everything that bothers them, whether it be to a diary, a friend, or even a random passerby, and those that bury their feelings deep within. The question is, what is the consequence of hiding or suppressing your emotions? What are the consequences of unfettered self-expression? when it comes to being happy, who ends up on top: the silent sufferer or the vocal whiner? For Freud, the answer was clear: he believed emotional inhibition caused psychological illness, which…

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How I Found My Person

By Mikko McPuppers (Guest columnist and best bud for B. Lynn Goodwin). One day six years ago, I saw a woman sitting alone on the steps of the porch. She watched the other dogs lunge and play. We were all there to be adopted, and the others ignored her, but I saw potential. When she wasn’t looking, I moved to the doormat behind her. It was a great place to watch… until she turned around. Of course I looked away. That’s what you do when you’re a senior shih tzu and a person makes eye contact. Before I turned, though,…

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Get Into the Glow From the Inside Out

By Sheevaun Moran. Have you lost the luster in your hair, the sparkle in your eyes and the verve in your step? Do you look older than you think you should? Are you overwhelmed by work, family, obligations and all you want is a permanent vacation? Is your mind too tired to think? Is your body too soft? Is your attitude dim? These are all things I was reminded of when doing a book signing the other day. I hear these very same complaints from CEOs, entrepreneurs, people wanting to change jobs or have a relationship, and clients wanting to…

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Harvesting Happiness: Why You Should Kick Your Ego To The Curb

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. Imagine the worst roommate possible. You are clean; he or she is a slob who leaves dishes unwashed and dirty laundry strewn across the floor. You are a morning person; your roommate's definition of an early morning is partying until 3 a.m. and sleeping until noon. You are trying to eat healthy, but your roommate leaves junk food everywhere, as if to tempt you at your weakest moments. There is quarreling and high levels of frustration that drain you of your positivity and zap away your carefree attitude. Does that sound like a disaster? Wait until…

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