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Harvesting Happiness: Defining Happiness

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. Everyone defines happiness differently. It makes sense, as no two people are alike. The way you define happiness in your life may be likened to a person’s fingerprint – no two are alike. It helps to ask yourself, "Am I looking for the happy moments in my life? Am I defining happiness in a way that brings me to a positive place in my life?" You may even want to ask yourself, "How am I defining happiness?" In previous blogs, I’ve mentioned writing down one thing every day that made you happy or starting a gratitude journal…

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Taming the Inner Critic: How to Have More Energy and Time

By Sheevaun Moran. The energy of not enough time is prevalent in our western population. Every time you reinforce the thought, and energy, that you don't have enough time the more elusive time is. You zap and suck your energy when you allow interruptions and constant bombardment. Interrupters in your day include email that automatically downloads and dings every time there’s a new one. This is a persistent guilt driven and energy draining force in your day. The same applies to texting and the need to respond immediately. Turning on the television is one of the classic interrupters and energy…

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Harvesting Happiness: Happiness Is…

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. Happiness is knowing you've made a difference in someone's life. Watching your child say their first word or take their first step. The first time they say "mama" or "dada" brings an instant smile to your face. Waking up to the sunrise and knowing that today is a new day. Having no physical or emotional pain. Being with the person or people who love you. Letting them know that they are loved and cared about in return. Dancing in the rain….or walking in the rain with someone who loves you. Not caring that you are soaked…

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If trying harder doesn’t work…

By B. Lynn Goodwin. "You don't lose until you quit trying," my boyfriend, Richard, keeps telling me. It sounds too easy. It seems too simple. The more I see him put it into action, though, the more his words make sense. The first time I heard his claim, I said, "You’d better check with Hillary Clinton. Remember how badly she’d wanted the Democratic nomination in 2008?" "She didn’t quit trying," he said. "Instead, she became Secretary of State." I hadn’t thought of it that way, but he gave me a new perspective. I figured that Hillary Clinton’s defeat was a…

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The Law of Appreciation

By Sheevaun Moran. When leaders are complimentary in their mind towards their group, staff, vendors, family, etc. then discord can be easily disintegrated. The energy of the leader at the top is the energy of all the people below. A thought of anger permeates the entire organization and is just like putting a cog in the wheel of productivity. Frustration energy is like putting battery acid on your computer. Every time you appreciate the person who works with you and for you is like putting grease in the gears. The energy of appreciation is as if you are creating the…

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Harvesting Happiness: Seek Happiness

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. Happiness can be likened to hidden treasure - and just like you would use a map to seek that treasure - you can seek happiness in life. The biggest question you are faced with when seeking happiness is how? How do I find that small nugget of happiness in a chaotic life? Do I even have happiness in my life? Sometimes we can’t even see it. Just like someone looking for gold or some other treasure, you have to dig for it and keep searching until you find it. Put in a simpler way – you…

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Is Someone Taking Your Limelight?

By Sheevaun Moran. Do you feel a small or large punch in your gut when you've seen someone who is doing what you want to do or someone you know who has gotten an opportunity that you want? Have you posted something in a group that you're affiliated with and taken the initiative only to have them try to one up you? You deserve the best in every aspect of your life and now is the time to get it. How? This energy punch is a remnant from childhood and being told you did something wrong, from being let down…

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Harvesting Happiness: Winter Blues

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. With winter and colder temperatures here to stay, you may be feeling what can be termed the winter blues or Seasonal Affective Disorder. However, you can find happiness despite these feelings. How can you beat those winter blues? You might try a brisk walk or you could take up a winter sport. Just remember to adapt your exercise to winter conditions. Exercise releases endorphins, which keep you in a good mood and the effects can last long after your workout is done. Learn something new by taking up a new hobby. This will make you feel…

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The Vibrational Ladder of Purpose

By Sheevaun Moran. The most common reason women are seeking to better themselves is because they want to live "on purpose".  Meaning they want to be in line or working to develop their purpose for being, being here and doing what they are doing. One of the reasons that people are so unhappy in their life is that they are living out of alignment with their purpose. For example, you work as an investment banker and yet you really want to be selling custom furniture where you are the designer of some pieces. This is an actual situation from a…

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The #1 Tool To Improve Your Health: Your Fork!

By Gail Lynne Goodwin. If you've been reading my blog for any period of time, you know that I write about inspiration and how to live a better life. Today, I want to share something personal with you, about health- yours and mine in particular. Never before has our health been as important as it is today. Two-thirds of adults are either overweight or obese. In the past decade alone, the incidence of diabetes has grown a staggering 90%! Today, a growing number of people are becoming aware that lifestyle choices can have a powerful effect on our health. Yet,…

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Harvesting Happiness: How to Find Happiness

By Lisa Cypers Kamen. You might be asking yourself, "How can I find happiness? What can I do right now to get the most happiness out of my life? Am I taking the time to enjoy the little, seemingly small moments in life that can bring me happiness?" We can look at each question and try to answer each one, but remember everyone has different feelings as to what makes them happy. It’s like your unique fingerprint- no two are alike! How can I find happiness? – You have to be open to looking for it in even the small…

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Scars, Love, and a Bit of Pride

By B. Lynn Goodwin. I have three scars on the inside edge of my left forearm. Two look like fading purple blotches, like sun-faded paint or the ancient scrawls of a fierce toddler armed with crayons. The fierce toddler who put the pair of scars on my forearm was my sweet little Mikko McPuppers. He’s an eighteen-pound senior shih tzu. Usually he’s mellow. On the night he bit me though, he was disoriented. He didn’t know where we were going or how to get back, and I think an old fear of losing his home and family may have resurfaced.…

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Recognizing Your Breakthrough Moments

There are times in life when if fortunate we experience a moment of utter clarity. We feel wide awake and connected and balanced: everything makes sense, we know exactly who we are, what we want, and why we're here. In that moment, be it one blink or a thousand, our effectiveness is maximal. And yet our actions seem minimal, effortless even, and the experience is consummately satisfying. These are breakthrough moments. These are moments of shibumi. Shibumi is a Japanese word, the meaning of which is reserved for just these kinds of experiences. With roots in the Zen aesthetic ideals…

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The 5 Mind and Energetic Mistakes That Cost You Thousands!

Our minds are the greatest tool we have and without the proper use of our mental energy, mental creativity and right mindset opportunities for mistakes arise. Those mistakes or missed opportunities lead to thousands of dollars in lost revenue and hundreds of hours of lost time. Here are the mindset mistakes we make: Allowing others to steal your vision and your energy. Being overwhelmed because too many projects press on you that all seem important. Keeping the employee or contractor that is the least productive and who takes the greatest amount of your time. Refusal to delegate. Not asking for…

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Harvesting Happiness: Perspective

Your outlook on life and overall well-being can be linked to your perspective. It goes back to the old question, Is the glass half full or half empty? What lens am I going to look at my life through? Will I choose the lens where I see the positive and cope with the negative to the best of my ability or the lens where I see the negative and can’t find the positive in my life? In his talk The Last Lecture, Professor Randy Pausch talked about perspective and how to look at situations in life by introducing the Tigger…

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How to Be More Loving In This Moment

By Gail Lynne Goodwin. At the end of our path when we look back on life, we won't remember the worry over the bills, the disappointment over not receiving the promotion, or the things that we might have judged as a "failure" in our life. What we will remember, are the moments that we loved, for love is truly the meaning of life. At the core of every religion is one thing- love. When it comes down to it, love is the only thing that really matters. So, if we want to live a life that really matters, the most…

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How Much Is Your Energy Really Worth?

By Sheevaun Moran. As you walk through life it is often wondered how I fit in, what is my mission, what is my purpose, and how can I earn more money. These thoughts get bantered around our heads a lot. Mostly when we are feeling low, down, or just plain stuck. Being stuck is truly a sign of how little value we place on ourselves, our ideas, our options, and our abundance that we already have. Settling is just a bad habit that has been trained into our psyche and is an excuse to stay in a situation that doesn’t…

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