“When there is something that bothers me, is it necessary for me to make the effort to ‘clean up’ my vibration and energy around that particular topic, or is it enough to simply distract myself and look in a different direction?” ~ Susan, Heber, UT
Dear Susan,
I always encourage cleaning up your vibration around anything that creates resistance in your life. Otherwise, each time that particular situation or person shows up in your reality, you continue to vibrate at the level of that resistance you hold about it or them.
Put your focus on what it is you do want and from that more connected place, release the resistance you may be holding about a situation or person. In other words, focus on what a non-issue it is when this particular situation arises and see yourself standing in your power feeling the freedom of choosing to be happy regardless of what may be occurring around you.
See the interaction with that person becoming easier and if nothing else, see it as simply a non-issue for you. The less resistance you feel, the more aligned you are until either the person or situation will no longer negatively affect you, or you will simply not find yourself in that situation any longer.
Eva Gregory
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