“How can I take steps to let go of my stuff?” ~ Pam, Dover, NH
Hello Pam,
This is a great question and one that needs to be on all of our minds. The power of “letting go” is universal and is at the center of all great wisdom teachings. And it is more critical today then ever.
We have become a society of “closet hoarders.” We’re looking for meaning in “more.” Why? Because our culture continually “sells” us this lie. It is pounded into our mind from the day we are born and so we go about our lives actually believing that our value lies in Stuff. So, it’s exciting that you have already begun step one of the three-step process of Letting Go.
Step 1. Make the connection that your stuff is not making you happy, it’s causing you stress!
As much as our culture would like you to believe that more stuff will make you happy, it does not. It’s overwhelming, and causes stress and confusion.
Step 2. Choose one area to begin.
There is usually one place in our lives where our stuff is causing the most stress. Become aware of that area and start there. Give away, recycle, and throw away –and feel how freeing it is!
Step 3. Stop bringing it in!
Remember that getting rid of stuff will never bring about the relief you desire if you keep bringing more stuff in. We must break the addiction to acquisition.
By far, the most empowering tool I have to give is my free “Gift From Barry” video series on letting go. In this program I lead you, step by step, into a new life! Free of excess junk and the clutter that comes with it!
Peace to you, my friend.
Barry Dennis
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