Master the Path of the Peaceful Warrior
3 Important Lessons For Your Financial Life
Not long after I started my financial planning firm in 1995, I discovered something that was never taught to me in business school. It's the notion that every person has their own unique and personal relationship with money. I consistently saw how my clients' emotions were responsible for how they made money, how they kept it, or conversely, how they accumulated debt. Therefore, I've made it my mission, and have built a successful practice, on delving into the emotion and psychology behind my clients' monetary issues. I've found that by digging deep and really understanding my clients, I am able…
Make Yourself a Money Magnet
Do You Have Too Much Stuff?
In this very instant, right where you are, you have everything you need to create the life of your dreams. In fact... You Have Too Much. We live in the most abundant times in human history. We're so blessed, we're stressed. We have so many clothes, we often experience Apparelization: the stress felt undecided, frozen in our closets, paralyzed by our apparel. Most Americans cannot fit their car in their garage. Storage is a billion dollar business. Our children have more toys and gadgets than their room was designed to hold. We get angry with them when it becomes a mess.…
Sitting in the Realm of Abundance
When you realize to your core of being that there is only love, you start to live life knowing that there is nothing that can harm you nor can anyone harm you. You will also not consider harming anyone with your words or deeds. We have all been gifted with invisible powers and they create our reality. They are the power of thought, imagination, and intention. We create or mis-create with these gifts and we also re-create our reality if we find we don’t like what we’ve created. Thoughts are substance, energy and things, and we can form whatever we…
How You Can Choose Wealth Over Riches
I’m proud of my financial position in life, but contrary to what a lot of people may think, I never aspired to be rich. I wanted to be wealthy. It wasn’t always that way, though. I think there was a lot of fear driving me. Fear of being poor again and fear of going back to that impoverished life from my childhood. Being rich and being wealthy seem to be synonymous with success. However, there’s a big difference between the two. The main difference between being rich and being wealthy is knowledge. Wealthy people know how to make money, while…
The Best Way to Predict a Future of Happiness
The choices we make every single day are crafting our future; one we either want to live in or avoid. This may sound like we humans have a tremendous responsibility to choose wisely. We do. Yet, there is a tool for building a desirable tomorrow that can be implemented right here, right now, today. It is to Heed Your Call. As individuals, entrepreneurs, business owners, spouses, parents, friends, and lovers, it is our birthright to fulfill our unique journeys, yet we can only achieve this if we are willing to leave our known worlds. We need to peel ourselves away…
Installing a Wealthy Mindset
I love to help people transform their relationship with money, so I want to share with you a magnetic process for attracting wealth. First, know that you are already rich. Indeed, you cannot NOT be rich! Why? Because the field of abundance is all around you, within you... it IS you! All possibilities exist in this very moment! To live the wealthy life that is your natural state, tune your energy and focus to the wealth you desire. When you tune your vibration to one of wealth, you can attract wealth by focusing your energy, empowering your vision and magnetizing it…
The Magnificently Abundant You!
No matter who you are, where you grew up, or what your family situations were, you are and always have been abundant. You are already an abundant being and were born that way. Our entire universe is abundant. That is the truth of who we are and the truth of our universe. Most of us have been programmed out of abundance and programmed to think in lack. It is our limited thinking or limited beliefs (false beliefs) that is what caused us to have lack in our lives. We are always creating from our attitudes and beliefs. Whatever we ask…
How To Do Divine Business
Businesses can and should be mechanisms for doing great God driven things in this world. Money is not bad, unless it becomes the first objective and thus the idol to be sought and worshiped. Many companies know this and succeed in many ways, while they are directed by purposes other than money. Ironically, they also succeed financially, because they have higher goals, not in spite of them. Unfortunately this is harder for public companies, but even many of them do not put money first, and thus reap rewards for themselves and people in general. I have been blessed in my…
Focus on Love, Not Worry
When people are asked, at the end of their lives, what they wish they had done differently, there is a clear theme. Invariably, people say they wished they had appreciated the little moments more. This is consistent both among those perceived to have accomplished a lot, and those who had led simpler lives. Those who have spent their lives worrying become bitter toward the end, while those who appreciated the journey end their lives with joy. Think about how you will feel on your own deathbed, and let it impact your attitude right now. Place No Limits on Life’s Joy…
What Matters Most – You’re Perfect
When I conceive the thoughts of humanity and the humbleness that it inspires, I remember that one’s journey is not limited to definition alone. We are each unique but interconnected within our own vibrational energies. I wish to share that what does not matter are the definitions and/or labels of one’s self. What I would wish to leave behind as a remembrance to others, my own family and children is not only that of love and what it is to love but that abundance is in everything, every nook, every cranny, and everywhere. To know that being happy is a…
The 3 Great Money Myths & Your Journey To Wealth
The 3 Great Money Myths & Your Journey To Wealth: An Online Training To Help You Eliminate Your Financial Stress and Put You On The Path To True Prosperity
Lynne and Tammy have helped thousands of people transform their relationship with money. In their free online training, they’ll give you the keys to create the prosperous and fulfilling life you want to be living. Register Here for the 3 Great Money Myths’ Online Training at No Charge. Inspire Me Today is proud to not only introduce you to Lynne and Tammy, but to recommend that you register for this life-changing course right now. We believe that you'll be glad you did!Change Your Focus – Change Your Experience
I recently had the honor of interviewing Neil Findlay on The Empowerment Show. In his episode, we discussed his charity work. He helps children living on the street in Madagascar who may be as young as five years old. No resources. No education. No future. A situation he could only describe as hopelessness. He also works with teens in Australia who often turn to drugs and alcohol due to their family situations. The teens have access to everything - food, shelter, education, and technology - yet there the suicide rate is rising. Suicide is rare in Madagascar where living conditions are…