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Ask a Luminary

Am I Supposed to Ignore Money?

"The area of struggle for me is money. Manifestation concepts say that you should be thinking about what you want, feeling it, and imagining what it would be like to have it. However, when I have read the concepts of manifesting money it seemed to say not to focus on it but rather to focus on gratitude of the money I currently have. This leaves me rather confused. I daydream daily about having money and the things I would do with it, I have no problem feeling the freedom and abundance that would come with having money. Is that wrong?…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Solve My Financial Problems?

"I'm doing financially horrible. I needed to get some food and household items... I was flat broke and I had no other choice than to take my 7 year old boys' Xbox back. I feel so bad, I'm losing sleep. Did I do the right thing?" ~ Tiffany, Effingham, IL Dear Tiffany, We all run into problems from time to time, and often they are of a financial nature. I believe that most of the time, the problem comes from our thoughts. The most difficult thing to do when we don't know how we're going to feed our family is…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Let Go of My Stuff?

"How can I take steps to let go of my stuff?" ~ Pam, Dover, NH Hello Pam, This is a great question and one that needs to be on all of our minds. The power of "letting go" is universal and is at the center of all great wisdom teachings. And it is more critical today then ever. We have become a society of “closet hoarders." We’re looking for meaning in "more." Why? Because our culture continually "sells" us this lie. It is pounded into our mind from the day we are born and so we go about our lives…

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Daisy in a Field

Are You Acting from Gratitude, Love, and Trust – or Doubt and Fear?

As human beings, we operate daily reflecting a wide range of emotions with a multitude of motivations fueling our behaviors. All too often, we react emotionally to what others say or do. If our reactions are preceded by the emotions of fear, anger, or sadness, we forfeit our ability to act with personal power and effectiveness in lieu of a knee-jerk response. This reaction is all too often sourced in fear and low self-esteem. We may focus on what’s wrong with us and our lives, fear being controlled, hurt, or taken advantage of. We may overlook the many things we…

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Sponsored: Strategies for the Very Serious Business of Happiness

Often, we think of our professional lives as defining of our success as a human being. This is apparent at any social gathering where what we do as a career becomes the center of conversation. Indeed, what we "do" as a profession is important to our economic sustainability. However, the real question, the one that speaks to the heart of the matter of our sustainable wellbeing is: how happy are we in what we do regardless of what our “business” might be? In my coaching practice, workshops and on Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio, I emphasize the need to show up for…

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Under Construction: The Sign I Wear Mentally !

A famous psychologist (his first name is Phil) talks about the fact that we all have pivotal points in our lives; crossroads, if you will, where we can turn down a path of self-pity, victimism, feeling anger at the world and an urge to 'give up'. Or turning the other way and seeking empowerment, happiness, and a full life. In August of 2006, I experienced a harsh, heartbreaking pivotal point in my life when my husband of thirty years died suddenly. He took his own life. Sure, I knew he was going through some kind of mid-life crisis or other…

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Does the Abundance Theory Really Work?

"Okay all. I've been known at times as the "glass is half full person", but the theory of abundance isn't saving the Arctic, or the homeless, or the abused. I'm not a hand wringer, though. I put out my voice, take action, and share and donate time and money. I wonder how many of these new age philosophers, pulled themselves up or luckily had access to education or seed money for businesses. There's a major piece of compassion missing here for everyone who doesn't believe in new age spiritualism. Is their lack of belief justification for homelessness, being downsized, no…

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Abundance or Vision… Which Comes First?

Sometimes I wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg. Recently I had an experience where a woman, Sue, visited our home and saw our vision board hanging in our bedroom. Sue was the wife of a contractor who was doing some repair work at our home and stopped by to visit with her husband. Sue works as a cleaning lady and in her mind, had already categorized us as "rich people".  I know what that's like, for I spent my childhood and the early part of my adult life thinking that I too was separate from the abundance around…

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Friendly Reminders from a Montana Huckleberry Patch

Living in Montana definitely has its perks- especially this time of the year- during huckleberry season. A few days ago, my son, his girlfriend and I went into the mountains of Montana in search of huckleberries. We drove for a few miles up a dusty, dirt road, then parked the car and hiked into the woods. For those not familiar with huckleberries, they grow on bushes usually not more than 18" off the ground and produce a somewhat tart berry, most closely resembling a blueberry. As usual, I couldn't help but relate this experience- in this case berry picking- to…

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Abundance in Anegada, BVI

Everyone has a favorite place in the world, and for me, it's on the beach of a small island in the Caribbean, called Anegada in the British Virgin Islands. This is a beach where I can walk for hours and rarely encounter another person. Don't get me wrong; I LOVE people but I also need solitude from time to time. Just being in this place is like physically walking into a meditation. As my friend Jim said as he shared part of the walk with me, "I need to know that places like this still exist in our world". We're…

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Lessons Learned From an Eagle

Yesterday morning a bald eagle came to visit me at our home on Flathead Lake in Northwestern Montana. I saw him on a tree just off our deck, as I opened the door to let our dog, Koda, outside. It was a chilly morning and I was still in my robe. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, I quickly grabbed my camera and ran back out to the deck, only to find it covered with a thin coat of ice. (I almost went flying.) It was disconcerting how this eagle just sat there in the tree looking at me. I…

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Walking Through Scary Times

Companies are closing, pension accounts are being drained, unemployment is going up, folks are losing their homes and the bankruptcy rate is escalating. Many feel as if they're walking through scary times as they watch their piggy banks sink. It all sounds like a train wreck in another state- something tragic but also distant While we're empathetic, the impact is lessened because it doesn't affect us personally. Until it does. Then, very suddenly, things shift and it becomes very real, very fast. Just this past week I've had some personal issues with some real estate investments that are now upside…

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Blessings to YOU!

Recently, my friend Marci Shimoff shared a story with me that really touched my heart. Her friend CJ was very ill with lupus, but rather than complain about the situation, she was inspired to become a messenger of blessing. Everywhere she went she silently shared this blessing on behalf of others in her life. "May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease." From strangers on the street, to friends and family, CJ spent a year blessing other people. When waiting in line at the grocery store, she would say her mantra…

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Abundance Is All Around You

I tried an experiment this week. This is my seventh blog in seven days. I originally started writing at the beginning of this week because I had something to say. It quickly became a question of how many concurrent days could I write… as one day gradually grew into seven. Yesterday I had the thought of , "Maybe I should save this idea in case I don't have anything to blog about tomorrow? What if I run out of ideas? I don't want to get our community in the habit of expecting one each day and then not delivering! Oh…

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