Everyone has a favorite place in the world, and for me, it’s on the beach of a small island in the Caribbean, called Anegada in the British Virgin Islands. This is a beach where I can walk for hours and rarely encounter another person. Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE people but I also need solitude from time to time. Just being in this place is like physically walking into a meditation. As my friend Jim said as he shared part of the walk with me, “I need to know that places like this still exist in our world”.
We’re enjoying two weeks in the islands, full of sailing, fun in the sun, snorkeling, camaraderie and masterminding with great friends. I love sharing this special part of the world with others.
I have a very special beach here that talks to me, giving me some of my greatest “ah ha” moments, when I just walk, explore and allow life to “be”. A few days ago I left Darryl and our group of friends reading and snorkeling on the beach and set off for my traditional 2-hour walk from Loblolly Beach to Flash of Beauty, on the windward side of Anegada.
I love seashells and exploring the treasures of the ocean. I wanted to find the perfect seashell to take back to the group- one for each person. As I stooped by the edge of the waves looking at the shells on the beach, I instinctively felt a need to hurry up and look at these shells before the next wave came in and took them away. I actually felt a degree of anxiety inside, as if these shells were the only ones on the beach and if I didn’t hurry, they’d be gone.
As soon as I recognized this feeling I started to laugh. Nature, and in this case, the ocean, provides such a present reminder of LIFE itself! After all, when you think about it, I was fearful that the ocean would take away the good shells…. But wasn’t it this very ocean that brought them to me in the first place? And surely if it brought this many shells then certainly there must be more?
As I smiled, laughed at my own silliness and consciously let go of the scarcity mentality, the ocean started to bring me more seashells with each pounding wave to the shore. Instead of taking, it was giving. Any anxiety that I had been feeling was replaced with great anticipation of the goodies that would be dumped at my feet with the next wave.
This experience on the beach is but a small reminder of life itself. When we clench our fists and tightly hold onto what we have, in fear of losing it, we’re unable to open our hands to the endless bounty that is being given to us. It’s not possible to receive something unless our hands are open, outstretched and willing to accept.
When we’re willing to trust, step forth in faith, unclench our fists from what we’re holding onto so tightly and open our hearts and our hands, the abundance of the Universe is ours.
For me, it showed up as more treasures from the sea then I could have carried home. But I chose just a few and left the rest there- knowing that it is indeed a very abundant Universe and these treasures and more will be waiting for me on my next visit. Today, I’m taking that same attitude with me in life…. And I’m sure I’ll once again find the same thing… that once we’re willing to let go of the ideas, beliefs and things that we hold so tightly, we make room for more goodies to come into our lives.
p.s. I was so careful to only take shells that weren’t “home” for any critters. However, the following morning Darryl and I awoke to a crab in our bed, gently walking across the sheet… having escaped from my shell bag by the bed. We laughed and took him back out to the ocean, freeing him back to his world. He sure had a pretty house! ☺
Hello to all you Caribbean beach bums 🙂
HAHAHAHA Gail the next time I’m in a crabby mood I’ll think of you and Darryl releasing that crab back to his home 🙂
Thanks for sharing your beautiful trip
Hi Gail, Again your blog gives me just what I’m looking for when I need it most. I tend to hold on tight to beliefs that are no longer serving me anymore. If I can just let go and trust in other ways of thinking and being who knows what wonders will come my way. I’ll think of your ocean and what will come in on the next wave. :0) xxx
Beautiful! It’s funny, as a coach, I often talk with my clients about not holding on to things too tightly…but your message was perfect for me this morning as I’ll occasionally find myself in that place of ‘scarcity mentality’…which is so far from my true core!
What a perfect spot for you to be reminded of the loveliness of your essence on the beach in Anegada. There’s something so magical and perfect about that part of the world. Keep on enjoying and breathe in every moment of joy.
P.S. For fun, if you’d like to see my favorite “spot,” it’s the top photo in my blog…you’ll see my sitting on a bench on Windy Hill in Tortola. 🙂
It sounds wonderful and i know why I love living by the sea and just south of here we have beaches that look like that photo.
The sea and the beach are for me such a high vibe what to start the day
Enjoy and look forward to seeing you back online