- It’s not knowing that you can do it… it’s knowing how. The science of Consciousness is the newly discovered key. Thought manipulates reality!
How to Live With Unconditional Love
Agape, a Greek word meaning unconditional love, is the single most powerful tool in existence for changing one's life and the lives of those around you. Unconditional love changes your heart rate, your skin temperature and even the dilation of your pupils. It softens your perspective on the world around you, which of course softens the perspective of others toward you. You might ask, how is it possible to have agape (unconditional love) in such an angry world? The answer is quite simple... if you live your life in the instant moment, not what was, or what might be, there…
How Can I Learn to Hear God?
"I was raised a Christian and have prayed for 50 years. Lately it seems that God isn't listening. How can I increase the connection to make my life work better?" ~ Bob, Prince Edward Island, Canada Dear Bob, God talks in many ways, aurally, visually, empathically, noetically… any of your senses can be utilized. An important tool is learning to acutely discern what I call the “BIG MIND” and the chatter of “little mind”. ”BIG MIND” thoughts drop cohesively into the top of my head, just like an idea. Personally, I hear it much like I hear an idea when it…
Can My Thoughts Heal My Body?
"I have a chronic disease and want to be healthy. I have heard that my thoughts can control my life so I should be able to heal myself. How can I heal myself if I don’t have the energy to get out of bed?" ~ Elese, Paris, France Dear Elese, Healing chronic disease is a dual process… body and mind, physical and mental. Take one step at a time. Take charge of inflammation by utilizing a strict anti-inflammatory diet. Your body knows when you cheat! Eliminate foods to which you are allergic or sensitive. Consider strenuously limiting or omitting sugar and…