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Ask a Luminary

“I was raised a Christian and have prayed for 50 years. Lately it seems that God isn’t listening. How can I increase the connection to make my life work better?” ~ Bob, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Dear Bob,

God talks in many ways, aurally, visually, empathically, noetically… any of your senses can be utilized.

An important tool is learning to acutely discern what I call the “BIG MIND” and the chatter of “little mind”. ”BIG MIND” thoughts drop cohesively into the top of my head, just like an idea. Personally, I hear it much like I hear an idea when it pops into my head. It is a silent voice, but yet I hear it. “Little mind” thoughts run horizontally across my forehead much like the ticker tape at the stock broker. “Little mind” is chatter… “Big Mind “is God talking.

Discernment is achieved through practice. To whatever degree you practice… your ability to hear or know will come to the same degree. Great practice brings great results. Little practice brings little results.

Practice placing an intention or question to God and then place close attention to your senses and synchronicities. Synchronicities are indicators that you are on to something.

The answer always comes… it is just a matter of finding the form in which it comes.

Eva Herr

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Eva is the author of Agape, The Intent of the Soul and the new bestselling book CONSCIOUSNESS – Bridging the Gap Between Conventional Science and the New Super Science of Quantum Mechanics.

She has become one of the most respected popular talk show hostesses on internet radio via her show “The Infinite Consciousness” on BBS Radio, where for well over a decade she has had the opportunity to engage the minds of today's top thinkers in the fields of science and consciousness, the human experience and holistic, functional, orthomolecular and alternative medicine resources for disease of the mind and body. A list of her past interviews reads like a 'who's who' list of luminaries throughout the world. Eva conducts both her interviews and herself with a raw honesty, devoid of the pitfalls of egotism that is seldom seen today.

Eva considers herself a social architect. Eva says, "its not always just knowing that conscious change can be done... its knowing how." She has also been a guest on many radio shows, conferences, movies, documentaries and television. She was previously a member of the Steering Committee for the Human Health Project, and board member of the Board of Directors for the Alliance for Addiction Solutions She is currently a board member of The Carl O. Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation, an organization that supports research, education, financial assistance and awareness for holistic health care in cancer and Second Helpings. Second Helpings rescues healthy, organic fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy that otherwise would have been thrown in the trash. Says Eva, "we rescue from committed, caring donors like Whole Foods, Earth Fare, Sprouts, Trader Joes, Costco and Christophe's To Go (who provides prepared gourmet meals) and with a handful of dedicated volunteers, we deliver thousands of pounds of food to hungry people every week in the Atlanta area. It is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding personal experiences in my life." If you or someone you know would like to contribute or receive more information about Second Helpings you can contact Eva Herr at [email protected].

For many years Eva also wrote a regular column on holistic medicine alternatives for Kinetics Magazine.

Eva is a Certified Alternative Holistic Counselor and world renowned medical intuitive; as such, she works with clients using her encyclopedic knowledge of alternative/holistic health remedies, as well as helping people understand how our mind and body work together–enabling them to better understand and educate themselves providing hope through alternative solutions for illnesses they were unable to resolve through traditional allopathic medicine. Combining her knowledge of alternative medicine with her intuitive abilities, she has an impressive track record of success.

It has been said of Eva that “as a teacher, few people are as gifted a teacher as this woman. She will bring hope to your future in ways you cannot imagine. She can teach you how to manifest your dreams, raise your consciousness, control your health and change the world around you through the simple raising of your consciousness and implementation of agape, unconditional love for your fellow mankind.” Roy Scruggs, PhD, NASA Apollo Project.

Eva currently lives Atlanta, Georgia.

For more information, please visit

Comments (14)

  1. I edge ever closer to knowing the synchronicity. The thought keeps coming back to me – your inspiration was a gladness and my favorite article of the day for that reason. 🙂 Keep up the good vibes, my friends.

    1. Thank you! I just love synchronicities! I actually wrote a chapter about them in my first book, Agape, The Intent of the Soul. In my second book, CONSCIOUSNESS, which is a book consisting of interviews with scientists about quantum mechanics and spirituality, I always asked them about synchronicities and the means to them relative to quantum mechanics and consciousness. It excites me that science has now proven the existence of a higher power. Now that it is a proven fact, it is my hope that many more people will take the leap of faith and really try to use their minds to change their lives and the world 🙂

      Agape to you and thanks for connecting!

  2. Thank you! I just love synchronicities! I actually wrote a chapter about them in my first book, Agape, The Intent of the Soul. In my second book, CONSCIOUSNESS, which is a book consisting of interviews with scientists about quantum mechanics and spirituality, I always asked them about synchronicities and the means to them relative to quantum mechanics and consciousness. It excites me that science has now proven the existence of a higher power. Now that it is a proven fact, it is my hope that many more people will take the leap of faith and really try to use their minds to change their lives and the world 🙂

    Agape to you and thanks for connecting!


  3. Yes.Clear the interference of the little mind chatter, and be still and know.Synchronicity is a reflection of the inner knowing/being.

  4. What a wonderful topic that so many people seek guidance on, and what an inspired answer! I love the helpful suggestion to access the idea of BIG MIND, while recognizing that information and answers can come in many ways and forms. Perhaps a key to feeling closer to a connection is learning to trust one’s own intuition–overcoming doubts and fears, and feeling a greater sense of LOVE. 🙂

  5. In the event that I pressed the wrong button and did not send this forthcoming response, what was stated is that the late Dr. Carl Jung defined Synchronicity as “Chance guided by the hand of God,” thus, by the guidance and information stemming from The Big Mind. Have enjoyed your commentaries…….Dr. Stanislav O’Jack

  6. Your post wonderfully explains ‘Be still and know’…………… few people are willing to do that. The encouragement you share is certainly another avenue for those who seek to hear God to be able to step away from themselves and listen. Thanks for your commentary.

  7. Synchronicity and stillness have some commonalities. They transcend one’s usual ways of knowing and help us discover connections that customarily elude us. Silencing our usual inner and outer chatter can allow the One Mind to emerge.
    Stanley Krippner

  8. […] I see you, people who act with rudeness, violence, and ill-intent to undermine the scaffold-buildings of others. I know you want happiness for yourself, underneath, and that your actions come from a lack of belief and faith. You think this is a zero-sum game, and that your own ascension must be on the backs of others. I know you’re doing the best you can, and hope that someday you can hear the voice of God. […]

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