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Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days

Intuition is a spiritual practice—and the moment you understand this, it is a simple matter to open your “psychic” or intuitive abilities. In this four-week course, we will cover the four core psychic abilities from a spiritual perspective. This will include: Psychic Hearing (Clairaudience), Divine Receiving (Channeling/Messaging), Psychic Seeing (Clairvoyance), and Astral Projection/Remote Viewing. Using guided meditation suitable for all levels, we’ll work with each of these abilities from the starting point of Divine connection: a place where you will experience expansion of consciousness, raising of vibration, and healing, growth and transformation.

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Do You Have the Right Kinds of Intelligence?

I have learned that life is intelligent and moves to higher and higher orders of complexity and adaptation. And we as humans have the capacity to develop multiple types of intelligence and to adapt to the increasingly complex world we face. I grew up believing that "intelligence" was one thing - what we call IQ. I worked hard and got good grades at a really tough college. I thought that would prepare me for life. What I realized by my late 20s was that there were other forms of intelligence that mattered a whole lot. Specifically, we also need emotional…

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Don’t Conform, Reform!

Don't waste your life, your beauty, your infinite connection to all things, worrying, overworking and collecting "material things!" Control your ego; temper your desires and let forgiveness, love and personal freedom be the beacon that guides you. Awaken from the delusion of having to show off and prove yourself to others. The best house, car, clothes and latest gadget mean little, because they are not who you really are beyond thought and form. The things you want to own, invariably end up owning you. They become the "screws" of your life, nailing you to the floor, preventing you from spanning…

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How to Embrace Your Soul

We are inherently spiritual in nature and all connected at higher levels of consciousness. As spiritual beings, we operate on multiple levels of higher consciousness simultaneously, but our physical senses create the illusions of individuality and of only the physical universe existing. Because we are connected spiritually, in your interactions with others always keep in mind that superficial differences like skin color, race, religion and nationality are insignificant. When you acknowledge your deeper spiritual connections with others, your compassion and love for others and yourself will deepen. The reason we are connected to others spiritually is because consciousness is imbued…

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Be a Divine Conduit for Guides & Angels

Do you long to create a direct connection with your guides, angels, saints and holy ones who are continually with us? Are you ready to become a Divine conduit--to step into a place where ascended masters and teachers can communicate with you clearly and completely? Would you like to learn to communicate with the departed--beloved ancestors, friends and family who seek to support and encourage you? Indeed, these are simple tasks, available to everyone! In this intensive, emotionally rich and joyous course, you will learn how to simply and easily create direct connection with the Divine beings who are waiting to communicate with you.

Find out more here!

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Open Your Spiritual Heart with Saint Francis

For the past 800 years, Saint Francis of Assisi has been penetrating the hearts of people from every culture and across every spiritual tradition. Francis' two most famous writings -- Instrument of Thy Peace and Canticle of the Sun -- together form the foundation of this course. These beautiful, elegant prayers offer us a rich doorway to  Francis' mentorship, love and support. Each lesson offers practical wisdom, deep guided meditation, and simple yet powerful assignments to help you examine your inner world, open your spiritual heart, and strengthen your connection to the Divine. Again and again, you will be coached and guided to effectively call upon Francis to bring you inner support, guidance, and healing. This course includes the Story of Saint Francis by Mirabai Starr; 21 profound guided meditations by Max Highstein; and practical wisdom and direction to help you apply what you're learning to your every day life.

Enroll in this course now.

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The Time Will Come by Betty Hawley Scott

Have you done everything you can to accommodate your difficult or emotionally abusive person, but the relationship stays the same? Where is God in this pain? The Time Will Come offers encouragement, hope, Godly wisdom, and insight as you travel through life with this person. Betty Hawley Scott writes of her personal encounters with God and insights and knowledge she has gained through her experiences and observations of emotional abuse. As a retired public school counselor, she uses her counseling skills to encourage you to see life events from God’s unique perspective. The Time Will Come empowers you to: • heal from emotionally abusive relationships • live with dignity and confidence • help and understand others who struggle with a difficult person • stay encouraged • know that God has not forgotten you.

Click here to learn more and order the book.

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Sing a Song of Gratitude

Sing a song of gratitude, every day, to remind yourself daily how to be thankful. Remember that the Universe loves you. The Universe loves me. Love is within, without, and all around us. Love is in every being, every object, every thing. Remember the magic of life that is in life. Play with the faeries and angels and animal spirits. Let them be your helpers. Thank your ancestors and all those who have come before us, for the lessons that they teach us and the help that they have given us, so that we can be here now. Smile. It…

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Connecting With a Higher Power

You are a fascinating, unique, and wonderful creative being, and the power that dwells deep within your soul is eternally connected to the very source of your being, God. You are blessed with certain spiritual gifts and talents and you hold divine potential within your soul. You have the free will to express your individual creative power in any way you choose as long as it is in agreement with divine love and divine truth. Do not concern yourself about your specific life purpose and destiny as you simply need to allow your creativity to blossom. It is time to…

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The Key Life Lessons I’ve Learned From Roses

My chief hobby is growing roses, a tradition handed down from my grandmother through my mom and now to me. But more than a connection to my family or a source of peace and therapy, such an undertaking has afforded me many life lessons, serving as a highly effective metaphor. The essential ingredients to growing great roses are the correct soil mixture and proper preparation of the bed in which the rose shall be planted. The right mix of nutrients, the right drainage and retention of water, the right depth of the roots, and the right amount of mulch are…

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Returning to Source: Destiny, Faith and Knowing

Know that our destiny is already predetermined. Call it your inherent blue print or your life's map, this was decided long before we ever journeyed here to earth. There is a plan for each and every one of us that it's our destiny and obligation to fulfill. The universal divine wants us to succeed. It's entirely up to us as to how that will look. Your inner voice is your spiritual guide reminding you, constantly, to stay the course. It speaks truth. Are you listening? When we're young our mind and heart are open to "possibility". We naturally gravitate toward…

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Looking for Success? Pay Attention to You!

You are amazing. Do you know that? Really, you are. You have a gift and you are here to share it. It's your time to shine. It's time to stop dimming your light to blend in or conform to what others tell you to do. You know you best. And you know you are meant for great things. You know that your most meaningful life is directly tied to you being YOU 100% of the time. Your main responsibility - the reason you were put on this planet - is to nurture your gifts and allow them to flow through…

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The Peace Within You

Here am I, my beloved child. Come near to me and hear my words, for I am with you, and I love you. I am right here, right now. I am here within you, and all around you. There is no place where I am not. For I am everywhere present. I am within your heart of hearts. I am the breath that you breathe. I am the blood rushing though your veins. I am the very life itself, which gives you life. I am always here, at the heart of your being. I am your heartbeat. I am the…

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