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Jean Adrienne is an author, healer, teacher, and lecturer. She is a graduate of The Florida State University with a BA in Psychology. She developed and teaches the InnerSpeak Process, a methodology for clearing karmic and ancestral baggage from our past so that we can create the life we desire and deserve. She offers coaching and clearing sessions via phone as well as in her office in Tallahassee FL. She hosts Power Talk TV on

Jean Adrienne's books, Realities of CreationPower Tools: The Ultimate Owner's Manual For Personal EmpowermentReframe Your World: Conscious Living In The New Reality, and Soul Adventures, as well as two decks of oracle cards, The InnerSpeak Cards and Reconnecting Soul 142 DNA Activation Cards, are available for purchase on her website,, and in your local bookstore.

For more information, please visit

How You can Create Your Reality

We are more powerful than we can imagine. This message has come to us from many sources, but most of us don’t believe this to be true. The difficulty has to do with the simplicity of the plan. For many lifetimes we have bought into a belief in struggle. Even today, fitness gurus teach “no pain/no gain.” Everything is energy. That’s all. You are energy. The reason you incarnate on Planet Earth is to remember that and to learn how to manage what you are. In plainer words – to learn how to manipulate energy in order to create matter…

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Commit To Get

We are more powerful than we can imagine. This message has come to us from many sources, but most of us don’t believe this to be true. The difficulty has to do with the simplicity of the plan. For many lifetimes we have bought into a belief in struggle. Even today, fitness gurus teach “no pain/no gain”. Everything is energy. That’s all. You are energy. The reason you incarnate on Planet Earth is to remember that and to learn how to manage what you are. In plainer words – to learn how to manipulate energy in order to create matter…

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Today’s Brilliance from Jean Adrienne

Many of us grow up with the concept that we need to prove something. The belief begins early in our lives. Baby Boomers adopted the notion upon starting school, but children today are indoctrinated as early as toddlerhood. The need to prove worth is implied even before the child can talk clearly, and it expands as the child grows older. Therefore, the pressure on the modern teenager is incredible. No wonder the suicide rate of adolescents is so high. The need to determine a person's value is all an illusion. It saps your energy and steals your power. In truth,…

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Can you get me?

By Jean Adrienne. It's the big human question, isn't it? We all want to be appreciated for who we are. We want to be loved. We want to be wanted. But the underlying question is, “can you get YOU?” In order for anyone to get you, the first step has to be understanding you who are, and this comes from within. Until you get this piece, you will never be able to attract to you those people who will appreciate you for who you are. Think about it—if you don’t appreciate yourself for who you are, how can you expect…

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Blocking Your Creativity? Procrastination

By Jean Adrienne. Each of us gets stuck from time to time, and we always wonder why we aren't able to make things happen the way we want them to. Rarely does the key come to unlock the block so we generally just have to wait it out, and that sets up a cycle that begins to perpetuate itself. While we wait for the answer or the "ahah" moment that will move us back into the flow, we often ponder what's going on in our life.  "What am I waiting for—and why?" I am one of the first to be…

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