By Michael Cupo.
Even if you are right, the question is: are you at peace? Selfish energy or the loving energy of God, this is our choice. The energy selected becomes the energy of our life, this is our dilemma.
When we are wronged even if our anger is justified, if we do not love we are the ones who suffer along with all those around us. But are there no exceptions to this, how about if a loved one is harmed?
The Old Testament said an “eye for eye,” but the message of Jesus was to “turn the other cheek.” This isn’t a weakness; it takes great strength to do this. The easy way is to be of the world, be led by the energy of the conditioned mass and go with the flow who seek revenge.
Instead, turn the other cheek, because not doing so will only harden the heart even further and bring more harm than benefits. It may seem like satisfaction at first when the mind justifies its anger, but that anger is what becomes the energy of the heart and that is the energy projected out to others. This becomes and is our world.
Unity with God’s Universal loving energy is manifested as unity with all beings, even if they are wrong. A friend of mine always says, “Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?”
But what I like to say is “Do you want to be right or do you want to be at peace?” Happiness, whether it’s acquiring an object or having life the way we think it should be, is always dependent on something; peace isn’t. This has nothing to do with other people or things, it’s all a matter if you want to remain at peace even though the world around you is not.
Loving energy or the energy of an egoic self is always our choice, in any situation, but until it is understood that loving energy is the only way to remain in unity with our loving creator, we will live a life that fluctuates between the two. And when we are not loving, we along with the world will suffer unnecessarily. Even if what we are doing feels better, there is suffering if it’s not from a loving heart.
Instant gratification is the base of a selfish Conditioned Mind. If you recondition the mind to be of love, instant gratification will not be needed, because with the energy of love your heart is always grateful. How can it not be? When your heart is of love, you’re aligned with the energy of the Universe, which is God’s loving energy.
So this is our dilemma, we can be right and possibly be aligned with energy that really doesn’t benefit us in the long run, or we can want peace above all else, and remain aligned with God’s loving energy, which keeps us in alignment with all beings. So the question is: Do you want to be right or do you want to be at peace?
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