- Until we know truth from our heart, it is just a decision between right and wrong. When it is from our heart, there is no decision- we just do what is right.
Today’s Brilliance from Michael Cupo
What has truly inspired me the last five years of my existence has been to find a way to bring more Love into our world, both my Love and that of others. The more that I Love, it seems the more I am Loved. The whole of existence is to be the Love that we are. We seem to have lost our way as a species, but this is mostly due to ignorance, not because we are bad people. I know I was lost for forty-nine years and then one day I was not. This change has led to a…
Align Yourself with Universal Love
By Michael Cupo. We make our life what it is, but we are not the creator of it. We are created by Universal Love with the intention of spreading Love and making the lives of others a masterpiece. Think of your life as a giant canvas. Everyday you have an opportunity to paint a new picture. The more your mind is settled, the more in touch you become with your creative self. You can make each day a masterpiece inspired by love, or you can just create an ordinary day of existence. There is nothing wrong in this, it just…
Don’t Let Your Triggers Control Your Reactions
By Michael Cupo. We all have our triggers that set our reactions in motion. To be in harmony with life, we need to learn what pulls our trigger. A reaction can not occur if the trigger isn't pulled. What triggers the mind from a place of peace to an agitated state? This will have to be understood if you are to go beyond the triggered control. It happens so fast that you alone can't stop it from occurring. This is where knowledge is of no use. You can be very intelligent, but it doesn't equate to knowing how your own…
Our Higher Self
By Michael Cupo. Our higher self is always there, just waiting. When we understand the stillness beneath all our stories, we will align and connect with our waiting higher self. We are not always aligned with our higher self and this is our misgiving. It's not that we can't always be aligned, but we have to do the things that will allow it. Our alignment is in relation to how much we try and control our life. This is thought based. Certain aspects of our life need to be controlled, but the parts that are beyond our control, why do…
Being Right or Being at Peace
By Michael Cupo. Even if you are right, the question is: are you at peace? Selfish energy or the loving energy of God, this is our choice. The energy selected becomes the energy of our life, this is our dilemma. When we are wronged even if our anger is justified, if we do not love we are the ones who suffer along with all those around us. But are there no exceptions to this, how about if a loved one is harmed? The Old Testament said an "eye for eye," but the message of Jesus was to "turn the other…
Taking on God’s Role
By Michael Cupo. When we judge, we take on the role of God. Who am I to think I know what's best for anyone else unless I think I know all? And who can claim to know all but God? We all breathe the same air and are dependent on the same elements for our existence, but it seems our mind is conditioned to focus more on our differences than our similarities. It is only a thought that creates a judgment that makes a concept or belief about something. We all want to defend what we believe is the right way…