There is an old saying, “Once the student is ready, the master will appear.” I imagine you like me have found that statement to be true. Once we are truly ready to learn, then we all of a sudden “run into” a teacher or hear the information on the radio, have a friend who unexpectedly calls, etc. etc. etc.
That is the way the Universe works. The laws of the Universe have been explained in many texts throughout history and many disciplines exist to assist us with discovery of who we are and our place in the world. Some turn to religion, some turn to science, while still others find their answers through the study of metaphysics.
Metaphysics presents us with a colorful array of methods which attempt to provide a glimpse into the reality of our world. Such methods would include Astrology, Numerology, Face Reading, Fung Shui, Iridology, Palmistry as well as many others. Whether you agree with or believe in any of the disciplines mentioned, let’s agree on the fact that they do exist and many follow them to the letter. And that is the crux of my question as well as the reason for this piece.
If so many disciplines exist and so many people take them as truth, why then, when two of them intersect, they disagree on the findings… and if Astrology, for instance, says that Date 1 is a great date and Numerology says the opposite to the same person, who is correct? Putting aside scientific principles and the expertise of the Astrologer & Numerologist queried, I asked this question and was surprised upon hearing the answer given by my guides. The answer is an interesting hypothesis of how this world works. Here is what they intimated (in my own words).
We are co-creators of our world and as such have direct ability to affect outcomes. Thus, we bring into our physical environment conditions and situations that we chose to experience. If we believe that something is true, we will choose to focus on those manifestations that will back up our assertion. Science has proven this with many experiments but focus on your own life and you will see this is true. For instance, any person you believed was bad you found faults in. And you vehemently believed a film to be a work of art giving numerous examples of why to a person who walked out of the theatre in disgust…
A Numerologist who does a name analysis or an Astrologer who looks at a chart, translates it into human behavior which in turn they expect to find in the subject. However, it is not just belief and nearsightedness, but many verifiable co-incidences which form a pattern and then “law”.
Going back to our original statement about the student and the master, the truth reveals that the master was always there, only the student didn’t notice him. Proof to that point was you buying a new car and then noticing the same model all around you. Did everyone all of a sudden buy the vehicle or were the cars there already and you just didn’t pay attention to them? Thus, everything exists in the Universe and we only notice (bring forth) those manifestations that meet our expectations. That is how the Astrologer and the Numerologist and the Face Reader and everyone else can be so sure of their own truth – because its expression is the only thing they see.
This insight was truly unexpected as I had never thought of it that way. Does that mean that what’s cold is hot and gravity isn’t real? I looked at Astrology, Numerology, etc. as wonderful tools which were mostly right and useful. The answer, I believe, doesn’t disprove that, rather presenting a bigger/different picture in which everyone is right and most importantly frees me up to follow my own intuition.
That is what I chose to share with you today: Astrology, Numerology, etc. could very well be objectively right, but many looking outside the box for answers end up putting themselves into another box painted by the rules of the discipline they query. Instead, when faced with the question of who to believe, I hope that you will remember the essence of the answer – and believe in yourself.
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