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I just had the pleasure of interviewing John Assaraf from The Secret, for His feature day is coming up soon. Knowing how John creates his life with Vision Boards, I shared this story with him (which he loved!)

In January of 2007 I decided to relocate from California to Colorado. My children were grown and this was the first time that I could live wherever I wanted to live.  I made my vision board and included the things that I wanted in my new life. Some of the things that were on the board were a home in the mountains, a new BMW and to find and build an amazing relationship of love, passion, respect and abundance. I even included a photo of a Gulfstream airplane, because I love to fly. If you’re going to dream, why not make them BIG dreams?

I flew to Denver in February, found the perfect home in two days and moved to Boulder in March. My daughter, Carly, came to help me get settled. As we were moving in and decorating the house I told her that I was now ready to meet the love of my life. She asked me if I’d put in my order with the Universe yet, and I told her that I’d just finished my list of everything I wanted in a partner- all 150 things describing the perfect mate for me.

Cimg2035As I unpacked a painting I did a few years earlier, Carly stopped me in my tracks. This painting was of one solitary heart, and although it was beautiful, it was only ONE heart. Carly reminded me that I wanted two hearts in this home, not one. I put the painting back in the box and drove to the art store in Boulder. I purchased a double canvas, drew two interlocking hearts on the back of the canvas, planning to paint two hearts on the front.  On “his” side, I wrote… My love is kind, handsome, intelligent, successful, etc, and listed all 150 things that were important to me. I figured it I’m going to do this, I’m going to do it right!

I’d already met a few men on the internet and had a date the following night with a man named Darryl, who lived only 2 miles from my new home. I had a good feeling about this guy, so instead of meeting him at the restaurant, he came up to my home to pick me up for dinner. As I was showing him my new home he saw the canvas on my easel. “What’s this?”, he asked. I explained what I was doing and why, and he smiled and asked if he could read the back. I thought that was pretty brave for a first date but figured he might as well find out what he’s in for right up front. I flipped over the canvas and he smiled saying, “Yes, yep, yeah that one too, almost there but working on that one, yes, yes” as he went from one attribute to another. This new man fit the order almost perfectly!

We went out and had a great date. The next day Darryl went out of town for two weeks. During that time we talked each day on the telephone and grew closer, while I painted my heart painting on the canvas each evening.

By the time Darryl returned back to Boulder 2 weeks later, I was already falling in love with him. We saw each other the day he came home and had a very memorable evening. There was something magical about this relationship and we both felt it. Three weeks later Darryl moved in with me. We married this past April and I can’t imagine a better relationship. And, he drives my favorite car, flies a Gulfstream 4 airplane, loves my favorite places and supports charities that are dear to me- the exact things that were on my vision board!

We’re so convinced that this works, that we’re creating a new vision board now. Have you created yours yet?

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Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of, bringing the best inspiration to the world. provides free inspiration, each day from a new Inspirational Luminary, to a global community of folks from over 150 countries. Gail has interviewed many well-known names including Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Tony Hseih, Gary Vaynerchuk, Michael Gerber, Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield and hundreds more. According to Mashable, Gail was one of 2009's Top 25 Most Inspirational People on Twitter.

Prior to, Gail spent several years as manager for her recording artist daughter, Carly. As a result of the success of their co-penned song, "Baby Come Back Home", Gail accompanied her daughter to bases in the US and to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where Carly performed for our troops. Gail and Carly created the 'World's Longest Letter' of love and support and delivered the 18-mile long scroll on a month-long tour of Iraq and the Persian Gulf in 2006.

Gail is excited to present her latest course, Love in 21 Days, a step-by-step guide to finding love online. Love in 21 Days is founded on a logical process that has been tested - and proven! - by not only Gail, but also by students around the world who too have found love.

Gail is a published author and a regular writer for the Huffington Post. She offers mentoring and mastermind services to clients worldwide from her home in Whitefish, Montana. Follow Gail on Twitter or Google+.

Comments (5)

  1. Wow! You were right- I did like your next blog post. That is an impressive soulmate story!! And it happened even faster than mine!!

    When I moved back to Colorado 4 years ago, I KNEW it was WHERE I was supposed to be- it took me one month to meet my future husband- online. He embodied 33 of the 33 qualities on my list.

    And I moved in with him after 2 mos. And so the saying goes, we’ve lived happily ever after. We got married last January.

    And with my internal vision board of the perfect horse property- that came true 5 months later- a lot faster and way more impressive than I ever expected- 36 acres instead of the 5 we “thought” we could afford.

    Now we are busy creating my vision of a wonderful healing equine-assisted coaching retreat for singles and couples. And a dating coaching membership community to help singles attract their soulmate.

    When you can see it and feel it, it’s coming into your life. The power of belief and trust- I’ve learned it big time this year!!! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your story- to inspire others to draw their soulmate into their own lives! That’s my mission and passion too!

  2. Avatar photo Twitter: Something For Everyone (feat @guykawasaki & @inspiremetoday) « Be The Butterfly – by Perri Gorman says:

    […] a very personal exchange via @reply and she shared that she had been divorced and referred me to a blog article that she thought would help me.   Personally, Gail embodies everything I think someone, anyone on […]

  3. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m so grateful to have found your blog and connect with you on Twitter. I’m starting my list tonight and will create my vision board. You’ve truly inspired me. I’m going to watch The Secret DVD. Blessings to you.



    1. Mirna, this is great news! Please keep me posted on your success. I know that you will meet him soon.

      Be very clear on your list and make it fun!

      I can’t wait to hear about it. Woohooo!



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