Imagine a world where people treat themselves, others, and the planet like we treat our newborn babies… We give them limitless unconditional love, strive to predict and exceed their every need, care for, protect, and support them to create a bright, beautiful, successful, and joyous future…. What we are doing, in a nutshell, is simply nurturing our baby’s health.
My definition of health includes our physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual health. Whether it be meeting physical needs such as feeding, or mental/emotional needs such as soothing them when they cry, or surrounding them with people who love them or ensuring that their experiences are positive, these are all parts of nurturing the holistic health of a human being.
When I say the words ‘nurturing health,’ I mean that every choice we make contributes to our holistic health, in body, mind, heart, and/or spirit.
In this day and age, I meet people who tell me they feel overwhelmed with the state of our people and our planet. They often wonder if or how they can make a difference. They wonder if “little ol’ me” can have any real positive impact in the world.
I share with them that we can all start by creating healthy bodies, minds, hearts and spirits. And since people and mother nature are all connected, it will have a positive impact on others and our beautiful planet.
If we apply the same basic ‘healthy’ principles that we apply to ourselves, directly to our interactions with others and our planet, we will naturally create healthy people and a healthy planet. And by a healthy planet I mean a clean, harmonious, peaceful and abundant world.
To respect, nurture, and honour ourselves and our planet, we can:
- Refrain from putting toxins into our bodies and planet by carefully choosing:
- Local ‘real food'(something you can either grow or raise) that is free of toxins and chemicals.
- Primarily vegetarian sources of food: vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains.
- Clean drinking water while at the same time minimizing bottled water use.
- Natural, toxin free household and self care products.
- Move your body regularly (challenging your heart, lungs, and muscles).
- Shift towards using environmentally friendly transportation options.
- Get adequate and restful sleep and relaxation.
- Ensure you get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.
- Effectively manage your stress.
- Look for solutions not problems.
- Choose a mental perspective that makes your feel empowered.
- Practice forgiveness (to set yourself free from pain).
- Give and receive plenty of love and laughter.
- Know that everyone and everything is connected and that your thoughts, words, and deeds have a powerful impact on people and the planet.
Remember, if you come upon challenges, as we all do, focus on creating solutions to overcome them rather than being stopped in your tracks.
Good suggestions, moving into positive change with compounding benefits.
What do you suggest for clean drinking water? The tap water has toxins like fluoride and chloromines added, which are difficult to filter out. (unlike chlorine which was used in the past and is easy to filter)
Reverse osmosis water, spring water et al are available at grocery stores for purchase. I buy 2 20 litre bottles at a time for my water dispenser.
excellent parallel between nurture and larger applications, particularly as it relates to nature and sustainability…….
Super great, clear advice! And she ties it all in perfectly. Thanks for this!
A great wake-up call and summary, Dr. Karen. Should we choose to not follow these immutable laws of self preservation, we are opting for self-destruction!
Hi Karen, I saw your photo and smiled. . .”Yes, long time no see!” If we all lived according to our natural inclination, and as per your reminder, we’d ALL have an amazing life! 🙂