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I would most want to remind people that they are innately connected to all of Creation, regardless of how disconnected and alone they might occasionally feel. And because of this connection, true and lasting peace – both within ourselves and throughout the world – will only come when we learn to dance to the rhythm of our Planet, and live in harmonious interdependence with everything around us.

Your Body is a part of all Creation. All you give, take, create and do is a continuous dialogue with the greater Body of Creation. Whatever you make, consume or throw away, every breath you take into your lungs or release into the world, affects the world in a very great way. Therefore, always be aware of the impact of your Body in all you do.

Your Mind is a part of all Creation. All you dream, envision, imagine and analyse is but an expression of the greater Cosmic Mind. Whatever you allow to dwell within the sanctity of your Mind, whether it manifests in physical form or not, affects the world in a very great way. Therefore, always be aware of the impact of your Mind in all you think.

Your Heart is a part of all Creation. All you express, suppress, desire or reject is a cry from the recesses of the greater Universal Heart. Even more than actions and thoughts, every word, every sigh, every glance, every smile or frown, every flicker of hope or cry of desperation, every glimmer of trust or shadow of betrayal, affects the world in a most profound way. Therefore, always be aware of the impact of your Heart in all you feel.

Your Body, Mind and Heart have tremendous power. They have the power to heal or to destroy, both yourself and others. This power is not dependent upon you understanding it or upon your efforts to become more powerful. They are powerful merely because you are part of all Creation.

When you truly understand the breadth and depth of your immense power, you will at first weep with grief for all the times in the past you may have utilised your power recklessness, owing to lack of awareness of your impact.

But once these transient tears are shed, you will then weep with joy for all the times you utilised your power with love, for the sake of Creation.

Many have said we have entered the time of the Great Turning. If that is so, we have a great mission ahead of us where Humanity and Planet must re-establish their intimate and indestructible connection. And as we strengthen that bond and deepen that relationship, our Bodies, Minds and Hearts will become alive with the desire to use our power for the sake of all Creation.

How could there be anything but Peace, Harmony, Balance and Joy in such a world?

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LYNN SERAFINN, MAED, CPCC is a certified, award-winning coach, teacher, marketer, social media expert, radio host, speaker and author of the number one bestseller The 7 Graces of Marketing — How to Heal Humanity and the Planet by Changing the Way We Sell and Tweep-e-licious! 158 Twitter Tips & Strategies for Writers, Social Entrepreneurs & Changemakers Who Want to Market their Business Ethically.

She is listed in the Top 20 of the Top Marketing Authors on Twitter by Social Media Magazine and was a finalist for the prestigious Brit Writers Awards. She also received the eLit Book Awards Silver Medal in Humanitarian and Ecological Social Affairs, as well as the Bronze Medal in Business and Sales.

Lynn’s eclectic approach to marketing incorporates her vast professional experience in the music industry and the educational sector along with more than two decades of study and practice of the spirituality of India. Her innovative marketing campaigns have produced a long list of bestselling non-fiction authors through her company Spirit Authors.

Lynn is also the Founder of the 7 Graces Project CIC, a not-for-profit social enterprise created to train, support, mentor and inspire independent business owners to market their business ethically, serve society and planet, and restore all that is best about humanity.

For more information, please visit and

Comments (3)

    1. Thank you Is. I wrote this well over a decade ago for Gail and her Inspire Me Today project. I am honoured that she republishes it every few years.
      Warm wishes,
      Lynn Serafinn

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