As we look throughout the world at those who have achieved the most in life, people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, these are the people who have stretched their imaginations to unforeseen levels. They have dreamt at levels most people have never imagined. Their vision for what is possible stretches so far beyond anything any ordinary person would envision. Many people believe they have gotten lucky. The reality however, is that it’s that simple skill, of dreaming big, that has guided them to their success, fame, and fortunes.
You see, no one in this world has ever created or accomplished anything without first seeing it in their mind. The greatest achievers in human history have been those with the biggest and boldest goals and dreams. Life as we know it wouldn’t be what it is today without those individuals. But you too can be one of those people who shape the destiny of the world.
Through your dreams, goals and desires you have the power to create something just as extraordinary as the great leaders listed above. Through your dream, through your imagination, your mission and vision will come as soon as you release your perceived limitations and allow your heart to drive your mind to your dreams.
Imagine what it will be like, when you look back on your accomplishments; when you have the opportunity to turn to all those who told you that you could not accomplish your dream. What will it feel like to turn to those people and smile, without saying anything more? They will know by that twinkle in your eye, you accomplished all you set out to achieve.
True leadership originates in a dream. A vision that calls you to action, that puts you in your unstoppable state of defying every odd that’s against you. The greatest leaders know by only the standards set by their dreams, of what is truly possible. The best time to start dreaming big is now. No matter where you are in your life, it is never too early or late to broaden your vision of what’s possible.
Big dreams are where it all starts, from your earliest dreams of becoming an astronaut or baseball player, to your dreams of owning your own business, writing a book, or owning your dream car or home. If you do not dream of it first, you will never actualize it into your life.
Dream big, decide what you need to do to actualize that dream, and hold yourself accountable. I guarantee you massive amounts of abundance will begin flowing into your life by following this three-step system for creating any result you desire.
Justin Sachs is recognized as an leader in youth leadership and contribution. At the age of 16, Justin founded and currently remains the Chairman of the Peak Performance Lifestyles Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated and committed to empowering teenagers with the tools to become leaders and to contribute to their communities. Through workshops, personal coaching sessions, and social action and contribution events teenagers are given opportunities to implement their new found skills. Most recently the Peak Performance Lifestyles Foundation has developed a program with the mission of eliminating childhood obesity
At the age of 18, Justin Sachs started Peak Performance Lifestyles, whose mission is to take your life to the next level. Whether its in business, relationships, health, or anything else your heart desires our team of dedicated and committed professionals will guide you to places previously unimaginable. Lastly, at the age of 19, Justin established Motivational Press, Inc. a company dedicated and committed to empowering teenagers to become published authors. Justin's first book, Your Mailbox Is Full, and his first audio program, Results NOW!, were both published by Motivational Press.
Justin has served as the President and is now the advisor of the Tikkun Project, a group of teens who are dedicated to social action and other contribution projects. Through this group, Justin has developed and led house-building trips to Mexico, sandwich making events supporting the hungry, military care-package events supporting the military and many other contribution events throughout the year. Justin is a 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do and is a certified instructor of Hagannah. He has taught martial arts to students ranging from 4 to 65 in age.
He has volunteered as one of only 10 International Youth Leaders at Anthony Robbins' Global Youth Leadership Summit three consecutive years; Justin is a Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Alumnus and has helped run Mr. O'Brian's Youth Leadership Seminars. He is a graduate of Anthony Robbins' Unleash the Power Within Seminar and Leadership Academy. Finally, Justin was fundamental in creating the Make A Difference task force at La Costa Canyon High School where he worked with members of the administration and staff to improve the overall school safety and connectedness. Justin's involvement included the development of CommUnity Day, a program which builds a school-wide understanding of the importance of cultural diversity and acceptance of those who are seen as being different. Through Justin's work, he has been a pivotal part to bringing an understanding of the importance of accepting cultural diversity and in initiating dialogue with students about social issues concerning the society of the school.
Justin has spent the past four years coaching individuals ranging from those who are on the verge of suicide to those who are looking to take their lives the next level. He has worked with Mark Victor Hansen, best selling author and co-founder of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and Anthony Robbins, best-selling author, world-renowned speaker and life coach. Justin is currently attending college in San Diego, CA and plans to graduate with a degree in Business in 2011.
Justin has been honored as a distinguished finalist in the Prudential Spirit of Community Award two years in a row. The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards honor young people in middle level and high school grades for outstanding volunteer service to their communities. Justin has been awarded the President's Volunteer Service Award three times and has been recognized by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Representative Tom Lantos, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, Senator Bill Morrow, California State Superintendent Jack O'Connell, Anthony Robbins, and others for his outstanding level of leadership and contribution to his community. Most recently, Justin has been honored with the Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Award. Based on the Jewish concept of tikkun olam ("repair of the world"), the Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Awards seek to recognize teens that are exceptional role models in their communities and beyond.
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