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In my work with the sick and dying, I am all too familiar with having that last day on earth. It is a humbling experience to be present when someone leaves their physical shell behind to journey home. It is in these moments that I am divinely aware of how precious each day is.

Recently, as I held the hand of a woman dying, she whispered this in my ear:

If I had forgiven my son, he’d be holding my hand right now. Tell those around you they need to practice forgiveness and be grateful for the many blessings in their lives. Blessings come in big and small packages. Family is the most precious treasure we carry in our hearts.

Many of my clients say profound things to me as they physically let go. I’ve taken all of their words of wisdom and applied them to my daily living in the hopes that when it is my last day on earth, I can smile knowing I lived a life full of gratitude, joy, and unconditional love.

We have been given a superior gift–the ability to choose the attitude we’ll adopt for the day. When my cup is half empty, I find ways to fill it up. It is my choice to take the high road and work on being more positive, instead of wasting precious time and energy on negative comments, judgments, or anger.

I choose to love unconditionally, cherish friends, and appreciate the beautiful family that supports me and surrounds me in love. We have control over our thoughts, opinions, and actions (or inactions).

The attitude you choose each morning will determine how the rest of your day plays out. How will you make the best of your day?

Make a conscious effort to be more positive. Understand that every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth. Surround yourself with positive people that bring out the best in you. Give back in small ways that make you feel good inside. Remember, the seed of hope was planted at birth–it’s up to you to nourish it.

If this was my last day on earth, I would squeeze little bits of joy out of my day until all those bits exploded around me like confetti. I would tell each one of my eight siblings what a difference they have made in my life. I would thank my mother for being my teacher, best friend, and instilling in me her values and grace. While holding my children tight, I would whisper in their ears that I will be their guiding light and remind them that love doesn’t die.

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Maureen Hancock is a nationally renowned spirit medium, teacher, lecturer, and holistic healer. She is the author of the book, The Medium Next Door: Adventures of a Real-Life Ghost Whisperer. Maureen is currently in production with the producers of Ghost Whisperer (Sander/Moses), ABC Media productions, and the Style Network for her own reality television show.

An associate member of the Licensed Private Detective Association of Massachusetts, Maureen is cofounder of the nonprofit organizations Seeds of Hope and Mission for the Missing.

She lives in a small town south of Boston with her husband, two children, and chocolate lab, Ally. Visit Maureen at

For more information, please visit

Comments (34)

  1. Bless you Maureen!! For over 30 years I’ve been sitting with the dying and their loved ones as a RN and later as a Hospice Chaplain in Oncology and Hospice. Retired now, I just visit. The dying teach us so much about life!! Some shared pre-death visions of loved ones arriving to help them ‘cross over’. Some had NDE stories and were not afraid to die. I’m beyond blessed to have known each of them!!
    Thank you for all you are doing!!!

  2. Thank you mo I have seen the blessing you have given to my friend when her only child was killed you gave her a gift that she shares and for me I know all about positive and keeping negative away every day and every person in your life is a gift and they are there for a reason god bless in all you do . Hugs

  3. Maureen, your wisdom gained from your life, your teachers, your work with the dying and those on the other side is like water to the thirsty. You inspire hope and prod us all into living each moment with awareness and gratitude. I am so thankful for who you are and how your share your gifts, knowledge and energies. Bless you our sweet angel on earth. So grateful our paths crossed.

  4. “…love doesn’t die”. Thank you, Maureen, for these three little words. Those words and “not dead, just different” have
    touched me and gotten me out of some dark and twisty places since losing my 12 year old, Josh, unexpectedly two years ago. Your messages are ones filled with love and hope. Gr8ful that our paths have crossed, and for all that you do for others. <3

  5. I loved Maureen’s post. Thank god she is in my life (lucky enough to be fb friends & I have been in her audience over 15 times). Right now I have alot of stress in my life. Reading her inspirational message full of wisdom gleaned directly from her tireless work reminds me of what is really important ! it is messages like this that give me clarity and hope.

  6. Wow Maureen, that was powerful. I held my mom as she passed in Jan. as did my 5 siblings and it was nothing like you describe. As the first anniversary of my parents death is approaching my siblings and I are no further ahead then we were then. We have seen you many times and we are finding pennies and dimes in the strangest places. Bless you for all that you do with the dying especially the children. Can’t wait to hear about the TV show. See you soon and thanks for your help.

  7. Your words are so true, Maureen. The past 10 years, I have been volunteering with Hospice – first in Stoughton, then down here in Florida. Over the years I have had the honor and priviledge of sitting with people in their finale hours. The 11th hour Vigil I am involved in, gives those in need ( no friends or relatives close by ) someone just “being there” with them. Some are able to speak, almost all are able to hear and all of them know we are there with them. Each day is a “gift” and it’s a blessing to be able to spend that gift with someone in need. You are, indeed, a very special lady.

  8. I loved this article, Maureen! That’s exactly what my grandpa told me a few hours before he died, that love doesn’t die. We were extremely close and I know those words were true; I’ve felt his presence around me ever since, and he even came to physically say hello on Christmas Day (he died 2 weeks before Christmas)
    All of this has helped me to carry on with my life 🙂

  9. What wonderful words. I was fortunate to attend one of Maureen’s shows and it is amazing. Having lost loved ones recently, it truly helped me understand that they will always be with us.

  10. what about our loved ones who have not yet passed? The loved ones who are physically here but are not “awake”? How do we cope?Do we still receive the signs that they are still here with us, realizing what is going in?

  11. Maureen, your words resonate through to my core; a beautifully written reminder that while so many variables in our day remain out of our control, we have the freedom to choose our attitude and outlook with each passing moment. A favorite quote of mine by Abraham Lincoln says that “people are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” I try to live with this always in mind, but there are certainly days where the choice to be happy is heavily weighed down by circumstance. Your healing and inspirational posts always lift me up and help me regain control of my conscious effort to be positive. I love the way in which you share your gift with the world. Thank you!

  12. Thank you Maureen for the positive reminder! I went to your show after loosing my Dad and since have lost my Mom. I hope to see a show again or have a reading from you some day. Your work is amazing.

  13. Thank you Maureen for all you do – you heart and light truly shines through! You passed on beautiful messages from my angle son to my husband, other son and my self – best gift EVER!

  14. Maureen, Thank you so much for the thought provoking reminder to be more positive……I really needed that. I don’t know how you do everything that you do? I am thankful for the peace of mind you have given me so many times. It is a blessing to know that my Mom and Dad are still with me….Thank you. God Bless you and yours. Happy Thanksgiving ..Jym-Ann

  15. Maureen, I spent the evening with you last night and I know I was very lucky to be there with you and all my special friends. I am a holistic nurse and I try to listen as you do and I feel your passion and inspiration fuels me to be able to continue and give whole-heartedly without judgement just with love. I so appreciate you for who you are!!! Thank you and god bless.

    Beverly Andrea

  16. Your words are so true. We need to cherish each other every second, especially our family. People do not realize that someone can be taken from them in a heartbeat, with no notice. Tell your loved ones “I love you”…..once they’re gone it’s too late to tell them how you feel.

  17. I have yet to meet Maureen but hope to some day soon. I was lucky to have had an over the radio reading with Anastasia and was blown away! It was comforting to hear that my Mother is always around me. I am one out of seven children. My Mother raised all seven of us and did a great job. I still wonder how she did it. My mother died in April of 2011 suddenly and tragically. I am still trying to practice forgiveness even when some days it is so hard. I follow the Maureen Hancock fan page and find it always to be uplifting and helps me find some peace. I want to Thank you Maureen as well as your family for giving the gift of healing! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  18. Forgiveness; Jan 7th 2010 Postcards From Heaven. ” If you take one lesson from tonight it is forgiveness ” I took that to heart and am still working on it. Not only mine but accepting it as well. Through this process when my Motherinlaw was passing last year I was able to hold her hand say every prayer I knew and then take her through your beach meditiation having her rise from her body and realize that she was not alone, she became relaxed calm and peaceful. I went outside in the yard where I was surrounded by fireflies. Lately I’ve been wondering if I would be able to do this with my father. Your message of forgiveness was reiterated in such a way that makes me see how important this is. Thankyou for your tireless efforts.

  19. You gave me the gift of knowing my mother forgave me, she taught me unconditional love and I carry that with me. I am a better mom because of our conversation and I no longer live with sadness and regret. I have moved forward and choose positivity xoxo

  20. I had to come to know of you and even meet you before my son got sick. I was inspired by your true grace and ability to comfort grieving families. When my son passed, I found myself holding on to the inspirational messages I had heard you say to others only now they were for me. It is truly unexplainable how much the tragedy of losing a child defines how strong the emotion of love is. It is the time where you can feel love so deep only through a pain so devastating. No other time could reveal it so well and it continues to grow through death….never ending. In this I find joy and some peace while missing my boy. Thank you.

  21. Thank you so much Maureen for sharing your experiences with us. I will post this at my desk at work as a daily reminder. I know what is important but it’s easy to get caught up in the daily stresses of life so seeing it in print will ground me. My great aunt, Mamie, passed away a few years ago and I was lucky enough to be with her on her last day. Although she couldn’t communicate with me that day, I made sure I told her that day how precious she was to me, my husband and our 2 children (who she loved so very much). There’s not a day that I don’t think of her and miss her terribly. She came to you at one of your sessions and my cousin was lucky enough to be there and hear from her. My hope is to be able to come to one of your upcoming sessions and hear from her through you and your amazing gift.

  22. Thanks everyone. I slowly read and marinated in every word you all wrote. I feel your pain and want to take it away. I’ve planted that seed of hope you so desperately need to continue your journey to healing, to giving, and to receiving love daily. Pop back on the Inspire Me Today site to renew and be fulfilled in each day. Hugs from Heaven.

  23. I love you and all that you have done to help me heal after my children Ryan and Samantha passed….you are the love the light and the blessings

  24. Such reassuring words. As a student nurse, I was with two patients as they passed. I was terrified at first since I had no idea what to expect. Thankfully they passed peacefully while I was holding their hand. I know this was preparation for when my mother in law passed away. She lived at home with us, and passed away very quietly, warm in her bed, surrounded by her pictures and soft music. My husband and I were holding her hands. It was truly beautiful, largely because it was exactly how she wanted to go. Shortly after she passed, I was trying to keep busy while waiting for the hospice nurse, and I was overwhelmed with the scent of fresh roses. I quickly turned around thinking I had left a candle burning or my husband sprayed air freshener. There was nothing. I know now it was a sign from Grams letting us know she had passed through the gates of heaven. I treasure this memory.
    Thank you for all you do to let us know love lasts forever.

  25. Profound words of how important forgiveness is in our short lives. Maureen you are the messenger of Love, Gratitude, and Forgiveness. I will take this message to heart and remind myself everyday how important every word I say should come from a Loving Heart. Just to let you know.. Your family loves you and is so proud of your work and dedication to the sick and dying. You lift them up to receive a gift with Peace in Their Hearts. Love Ya Moesy, Lizzie

  26. Maureen-simply put: You are an earth angel among us! Thanks for your incredible work.
    It’s so genuine, heart-felt, and inspiring. You are leading the way for other mediums, and healers to follow and do the right thing with their gift to help heal others.

    Happy Thanksgiving to your family~

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