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5 Steps for Getting Rid of Negative Emotions

After two decades of working with TV celebrities, movie stars, sports stars and the general public, the most profound discovery I've made is that people need a technique that will quickly eliminate any negative emotions... because if they can't rid themselves of fear, doubt, anxiety or depression they have little or no chance to live an amazing life. This technique is lightning fast so do it now. Step 1 Think of anything that is bothering you, worrying you, or making you feel sad or fearful. Pick the worst thing you are going through now. Step 2 As you keep thinking…

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Bob Urichuck

Disciplined For Life: You are the Author of Your Future

Discipline is defined as a commitment to the most important person in the world. It means doing what you have to do, even when you don't want to do it. Any behaviour that gets recognized and/or rewarded gets repeated. To be disciplined for life requires that you recognize and reward yourself accordingly. So let's start with the first question: who is the most important person in the world? While you are at it, who is your greatest enemy? It is fair to say that you came into this world as a miracle. Then what happened? You got exposed to the…

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Your 5 Principle Framework for Life

Over forty years ago, I made an (un)fortunate career choice to enter the computer industry during its infancy. It is a brutal business that changes radically every twelve to eighteen months, has tremendous cost pressures and has huge financial rewards. It is not for the faint of heart. To survive during my career, I derived five principles that provide a broad framework for life: Disruptive change will constantly occur Live one day at a time Keep a positive attitude Do something significant Embrace the richness of life Disruptive change will constantly occur Change and disruption constantly occur. Disruptive change has…

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Take Advantage of This Joyful Ride

Life is Mother Nature's most important gift. Life is the time provided to us by nature to pursue our dreams and goals and live it to the fullest. Life is an ongoing experience, where each one of us faces different situations and incidents that either make or break us. It's just a matter of the way you perceive things; it's your attitude towards the experiences that make your life a joyful ride. To me the difference between a successful and unsuccessful person is whether or not they are taking action instead of giving-up. If there is one thing I don't…

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Each Day, More Precious Than The Last

In my work with the sick and dying, I am all too familiar with having that last day on earth. It is a humbling experience to be present when someone leaves their physical shell behind to journey home. It is in these moments that I am divinely aware of how precious each day is. Recently, as I held the hand of a woman dying, she whispered this in my ear: If I had forgiven my son, he'd be holding my hand right now. Tell those around you they need to practice forgiveness and be grateful for the many blessings in…

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Improve Your Attitude, Improve Your Life!

Changing and improving our attitude can help us change the way we see and do things. I have learned that a positive mental attitude is far more important than aptitude to succeed in life. I also learned that it is not easy at first because we all have been conditioned since we were born to see and do things and in many cases to think a certain way. But with practice we can improve our attitude. Here are my top ten tips to build and maintain a positive mental attitude: 1. Stay away from negative and pessimistic people. 2. Do…

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Your Personal Emergency Kit

While I was tramping through the Kenyan bush some years ago with my new wife, our safari guide gave our small group specific instructions as to what to do if we encountered certain dangerous animals. "If an elephant charges our crew, everyone has to scatter--they won't bother to chase a lone person." In my head I mapped out what direction I would run and what I would do if my wife tried to team up with me. (Scold Laura nicely, and then run the other way.) "If a rhinoceros charges you, run in a zigzag pattern to confuse them--their eyesight…

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How to Make Sure Your Glass is Always Full

Money does not make you rich, character does. There are lots of wealthy people who are absolutely impoverished in character. You cannot buy a reputation for being a person of good character. It is earned by being a respectful, kind and responsible. You are truly wealthy when you accept the greatest legacy you will ever leave is choosing how well you live. Be genuinely grateful for what you have in life and tearing up the list of what you do not have will be gratifying. Attitude is everything. Have an attitude of lack, and life will be a never-ending search…

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5 Principles for Uncommon Success

Life is not that complicated, in fact it's fairly simple - not always easy - but fairly simple! When I woke up and realized a life full of uncommon success was not just for other people it was for me too, I began to apply these 5 principles into my everyday life. Awareness - If you don't get it, you can't change it. If you don't acknowledge it, you can't fix it. If you don't own it, you can't improve it. We have to take a good hard look in the mirror, acknowledge where we have room for improvement, recognize where…

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Don’t Sabotage Your Attitude

Superstitions are irrational beliefs - beliefs that are held in spite of evidence to the contrary. Do you carry the daily burden of irrational beliefs and/or earlier life transgressions that work to sabotage your good efforts and attitude? Are you going through difficult times with family members in rehab or with you personally with your addictions, diseases and problems? In my own life I have seen (and participated in) failed relationships, drug addiction and errant business ventures. When these things happen, it is easy to let these "failures" weigh heavily upon your shoulders. Some go so far as to willingly…

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Ask These 4 Questions to Improve Your Life

Open your heart to possibilities, allowing the light of God to give you what you need. You can have plans; however, you must allow space for surprises, delights, connections, and the time it takes for things to unfold. Hope comes from the head and heart, through the soul and the spirit. Don't get stuck in a 'little idea' of you, but find freedom in knowing that beyond you, there is a force working to pick up the pieces in the darkest hours, the brightest days and even through confusion and healing! The four-letter word "Life" has allowed us to be…

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Is Your Attitude Holding You Back?

Most of what I have learned in my few years here on this beautiful planet is to always keeps a positive attitude. Remember that when you are dealing with others. Sometimes you might feel you are a recipient of a bad attitude, but what you have to remember is that while you may be really jovial, they may be facing some kind of problems in their life that is reflecting in their attitude. Remember that this has nothing to do with you. You are not the only one with problems and you should take into consideration other people and their…

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En-courage Courage!

If there is one piece of advice I would offer you, it's this: never - and I despise using absolute words like "never" - never stop encouraging yourself and others in the pursuit of worthy goals. This advice is inspired by the definition of the word encouragement, which is "to give hope and confidence to." Can you imagine what this world would look like if we were constantly infusing others with hope and confidence? What would this world look like if EVERYONE was walking around with hope and confidence - despite the challenges they face in life? With successful strategies, always…

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Energize Your Life With Self Awareness

You are not diminished by your pain. Your spirituality is not measured by the presence or absence of difficulty in your life. Challenge is not a punishment or a reward. It is not a reflection of your value to the world; it is a reflection of your choice to grow and learn and make mistakes. Although your thoughts and attitudes attract and create your life, you are not your thoughts. "Your thoughts control your experience of reality. But your thoughts cannot affect, or change, or control, or even touch who you are."~ Paul Williams, Remember Your Essence Remembering your essence will…

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Take Back Your Inner Freedom

As a psychotherapist and wellness speaker for 35 years, I have been fortunate to have learned many lessons about life from the many people who have shared their innermost thoughts with me. Certain lessons that I have learned time and time again, and they have helped shape my understanding of life. These insights have helped me tremendously both personally and professionally in helping others. Life has a way of teaching us lessons that no one ever could. Although of course there is a place for teaching others, all too often we want others in our lives to change so much…

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