What constitutes quality of life? Everyone has a different perception of this concept, just as we all purchase different cars, homes and have varied tastes.
One similarity when we speak of the quality of life, is happiness, health and love. This is the trio most people strive for most of their lives. Everyone deserves to be adored. You could die tomorrow, and if you know you were adored in this lifetime, and you were able to adore and love others, or even one significant other, well life surely is complete. Healthy happiness can be found in your own love den.
Giving and assisting people less fortunate takes you out of yourself, and sidetracks you for a greater good. I have found that I may complain about a health issue or financial issue, then meet someone in my day that has greater challenges than my own. I am humbled everyday by this. When the kids forget their backpacks, you spill coffee all over yourself, or lose your car keys, be present and mindful of everyone around you. You will come to quickly realize that your issues may be miniscule compared to the greater picture. Concerns become “Paper Tigers”. Paper Tigers are ferocious, intimidating, but they are paper.
Try this exercise. Take yourself out of your head for a day and follow your heart. Use your heart as your guiding compass in everything you do. Start each conversation change out the word “I”, with a sentence starting with “My heart”. You will be surprised how much different your decisions might be, how your thoughts are determined, and what actions you take. Ultimately how you respond to situations instead of react. This simple exercise can change your quality of life.
You may even come away from the day, with a profound feeling of “nice to meet your own soul and spirit”. Introductions to yourself may be necessary as you will be experiencing yourself with a much different perspective, coming home. Your heart radiates about 10 feet from your body, where your brainwaves radiate mere inches. What are you putting out to every life you come in contact with each day? Brainwaves, or heartwaves?
Happiness and quality of life are intermingled with the path your heart travels.
Today was not the day for me to see this. My heart hurts right now. I have tried this and the results are, we each have created our own little hell to live in. Of late I have exhausted myself in search of how I need to think and act. As of now nothing has worked. So I live in my own private little hell until my days are over. I m sorry that I sound this way reading your article, but I have no more to look for.
No one listening. No one cares. Just biding my time.
It s me again. As you can see, no one has an answer for me. The whole world is texting. facebooking,and the like. No one wants or cares to face someone and have an honest talk. They would rather hide behind some electronic gadget. When their time comes to really need someone to talk to face to face in an honest exchange of words and emotions, I pray someone will answer them and MAKE the time to help them. Hope is just a thing of the past. It is precious, but no one wants to share that gift. God help us!
Dear Lynne,
My apologies for not responding sooner. First of all, please understand that we DO care. That’s the reason we created this website in the first place, and why it’s free for everyone around the world.
I understand that your heart hurts right now, and for that, I empathize with you. We all go through difficult times in our lives… and it’s how we handle the pain and disappointment that sets us apart from one another. Everyone has tragedy, everyone has sadness, at one point or another. But, rather than focus on the negatives and the hurt, I’ve found that it helps to shift your focus to one of gratitude.
Gratitude seems to be the last place most of us go when we’re feeling pain, but I can tell you from experience, it’s the shortcut to feeling better. And, there’s always something to be grateful for- always. When we fill our hearts with gratitude, even for the situation causing the pain, knowing that in this too there is blessing, things in our life begin to shift. Life no longer seems so bleak.
When we try to think our way out of a situation or a problem with our heads, often we sink deeper into despair. When we trust that the Universe has our back- even when it doesn’t feel like it- possibilities open unto us.
Follow your heart Lynne, even when it breaks. Trust that your heart will only lead you where you need to be. Fill it with gratitude for even the smallest blessings in your life and things will shift for you. I hope this helps you remember that you are an infinite being with unlimited potential. Tap into your own divine magnificence and watch what happens.
What a beautiful and life-giving reply. I truly believe that the practice of gratitude saved my life. Blessings and peace.