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Change Your Perception to Find Happiness

If there’s anything I’ve learned about happiness, it’s that is has much less to do with your possessions and achievements, but rather your perception of what you have and the world and people around you. Reframe Your Perception: Each of us has dreams that for one reason or another we do not achieve. And we all make choices that perhaps were not the best we could have made. Yet, rather than allowing regret to overtake us, we must see and celebrate all the other goals we’ve accomplished and positive choices we’ve made? Human nature so often leads us to perceive…

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Participating in Your Own Rescue

When people ask what I've learned from the experiences in my life I have to smile. What always comes to my mind is faith, accountability, courage, forgiveness and compassion. I have learned perception is everything, And, most of all participating in your own rescue is not an option. It's a necessity. My life has been an amazing adventure from the very beginning. Some may hear my story and say, "How did she survive"? I have gone from the highs and lows of a childhood where I had no idea that my sense of always being different, feeling and seeing so…

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Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart

What constitutes quality of life? Everyone has a different perception of this concept, just as we all purchase different cars, homes and have varied tastes. One similarity when we speak of the quality of life, is happiness, health and love. This is the trio most people strive for most of their lives. Everyone deserves to be adored. You could die tomorrow, and if you know you were adored in this lifetime, and you were able to adore and love others, or even one significant other, well life surely is complete. Healthy happiness can be found in your own love den…

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Mark Estren

Transform Your Perception, Transform Your Fear

If only we still faced tigers in the woods every day! Our bodies evolved to handle physical threats like that, not the mental, psychological and emotional threats we now face constantly. Your body's chemicals are not at war with each other, but it certainly feels that way at times! Each of us produces more than 50 hormones, which collectively control how we behave, what we feel and how we respond to the world. The sympathetic nervous system produces fight-or-flight hormones whenever we perceive a threat, taking over from the parasympathetic nervous system, whose hormones keep us calm and serene. But…

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12 Keystones to Reclaiming Your Happiness

As I looked back over my journey from fear to love, I discovered Twelve Keystones that I had to embody, or perhaps I should say master, so that I could reclaim my happiness and awaken to the truth of my magnificence. Through teaching about my experiences, I found they apply universally. I have shared them here! You are the playwright of your own life! The backdrop for life is like a Magical Theatre, and as the star of the production, we are each free to create our own roles, changing them at will but first we need to investigate the myth, truth,…

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Live the Enlightened Life

Love more, think less. The only law is love. Do not ask for love; give it. Love is strengthened when we love those who are difficult to love. Perfection is not in the future; it is now. Imperfection indicates a lack of love. The attainment of this wisdom is experiential. Love is not mental. States of ecstasy, love and bliss immerse you in your true nature. By shifting your identity to spirit, all desires are instantly fulfilled. Your wise and loving spirit has set out upon a great journey in life. In the process the spirit took on a mind,…

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Your #1 Priority

Believe in yourself, no matter what. Living brings challenges, traumas test you; obstacles threaten to block your every move. The only element strong enough to overcome all of these things is your belief that you can transcend them. Your belief system is at the core of everything you do, say, think and feel. The beliefs you hold influence your interpretation of yourself, the world, events and all that's possible in your life. Out of all the beliefs you carry, the most important ones are those that relate to how you perceive yourself. If you believe you are strong, courageous, creative…

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Making the Most of Your Vulnerability

Nothing can ever prepare you for the shock of seeing yourself for the first time after having your breasts removed. Standing in front of the mirror slowly removing the bandages knowing that the breasts that you had for 50 years are not going to be there. And even more so you can never be prepared for having your eight year old son standing there with you, looking on with wonder. However, there he was seeing my chest with stitches going across each side where there once was a breast and nipple. And, out of the mouths of babes as they…

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You Are More Than You Think You Are

Each and every day we pass through our lives with profoundly limited appreciation for our true quantum potential. Beneath the material illusion of our cellular protoplasm, and ever shifting personality, lies an infinite universe of unseen energy. Nearly a hundred years ago we awarded Einstein a Nobel Prize for teaching us that energy and matter are inter-convertible and transferable, yet, nearly a hundred years later, we remain trapped in a Newtonian illusion. Our cultural reality is based on a mechanistic chemistry that is simply not adequate for understanding the phenomena of energy. While you and I have been conditioned to…

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