I have the Sanskrit symbol for Namaste tattooed on my right hip. Not the kind of tattoo that only lasts through a few showers and a good long swim. The I-let-them-stick-needles-in-me kind. I love that sweet little tattoo and the forever reminder of how sacred the concept of Namaste is to me. Part of the final step in my Juicy Joy training is the installation of the Namaste Lens.
Simply put, Namaste means: The divine in me recognizes and honors the divine in you. It’s waking up to the divine God-Love energy that runs through us all, connecting us in sacred and indisputable ways.
With your Namaste Lens installed, it’s easy to truly love and honor all people with all their limitations. It’s only our fears and protections that keep us from allowing ourselves to feel that love. You know that classic analogy about how holding a grudge against someone is like eating poison and expecting the other person to die, in that it harms the holder of the grudge far worse than the person the grudge is held against?
In a similar vein, your soul-self wants to love everybody. It feels good to love. It doesn’t feel good to judge and dislike people. Loving everyone doesn’t mean you have to be in relationships with everyone. You can be honest with the people in your life regarding how much time you want to spend with them and what you want the nature of your relationship to be, while still loving every one of them.
It’s time to give up any vestiges of attachment you may have to controlling or changing anyone else. You can’t make anyone be nice to you, respect you, or love you. You can’t make anyone give you things that you want.
But in acknowledging that we’re all just extensions of the same divine energetic entity, you can feel compassion for them… and the desire to change or control them will naturally fall away.
Make a commitment, every day, to see everyone you encounter through your Namaste Lens. Look for ways to appreciate and assist people. When that becomes your foremost intention, it’s difficult to ever feel slighted.
If someone cuts you off on the road, and you can see that person as merely an extension of you – an extension that was in a bigger hurry than you were in at the moment – and you bless that rascally road hog… see how much grief and stress you’ll be able to spare yourself?
Say “I love you,” silently in your head every time you interact with anyone. The busy barista at your favorite coffee shop. Your snooty hair dresser. Your meanest neighbor. Your cranky dry cleaner.
“I see the divine in you.” “I love you.” “I feel the human connection between us right now.”
You’ll be blown away by the magic that simple practice will create in your life.
Lovely, powerful, and important. Namaste, Lisa. 🙂
I’m so happy to be featured today! Thank you for the lovely comments, my soul-friends!
Thanks for this reminder about our divine connections. Namaste!
Namaste, Luz!
I fully understand what you say.
Having learned sanskrit and being in touch with indian vedic scriptures it is easy for me to relate with people who follow or at least understand this concept.
it is the divine that matters.
So true, Neena!
[…] Honoring The Divine Within – inspiremetoday.com […]
Thank you Lisa. Powerful and true. I just came home from shopping, the cashier made a mistake. I am always mindful of treating them with respect, he was so releaved,that I did not
react,and yes , it all makes a big difference in my life. Namaste!
It’s as much for you as the cashier, right? Didn’t you feel great afterward? Thank you for sharing your Namaste moment with us! xox
You have shared the spiritual significance of the word namaste so nicely, Lisa . If each one of us tattoo namaste inside our mind and see everyone ( especially the undesirable encounters) through namaste lens each day as u said our world would truly be a better place to live in 🙂 Namaste .
Now more than ever, I feel. Thank you for being here, Pria! xox
Hi Lisa,
Your phrase, “to see people as an extension of myself” really hit home. That sums it up if we indeed are all connected, are all one! It could have just as easily been me making an error in judgement so I need to cut people some slack, just as I would appreciate the same consideration.
I had an epifany the day I realized people don’t intentionally try to be idiots (unless they are messing with you). They just are where they are in their level of understanding– and they have a right to be there! Live and let live. Give up control of others! Which is really hard for people with borderline personality disorder to do…but that is a whole ‘nother post.
Thank you for this beautiful message, Lisa!
Thank you for sharing these insights, Marie! Much love to you!
Well said 😊👍. One’s spiritual growth is the best kind we can endure in living our true selves.
I’m confused as to why you would have the Namaste sign tatooed on your hip where the person you’re meeting can’t see it? Unless you’re in a bikini.
Surely the sign is meant to welcome the other and really should be on your hands.
I’m confused as to why you would have the Namaste sign tatooed on your hip where the person you’re meeting can’t see it? Unless you’re in a bikini.
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